The final Virtual Vista is a fitting one to illustrate man's reliance on
Earth resources and the extraordinary technological means used to exploit
those resources.
The images on this page are of the Bingham Canyon Copper Mine near Salt Lake
City, Utah, USA. This is an open pit mine developed to exploit a disseminated
copper deposit. The ore-bearing rock was first discovered in 1863, and mining
activity began very shortly after the discovery.

Presently, the mine is over 1.2 km deep and over 4.6 km across. An entire
mountain has been removed to create this mine, "the richest hole in the
world". Since production began in 1863, this mine has yielded over 16
million tons of copper, more than any other copper mine in the world. In addition
to copper, the mine also yields substantial quantities of gold, silver, and

This Virtual Vista was created by processing a digital elevation model (DEM)
of the mining area, then mapping a digital aerial image to the rendered surface
using Geographic Information System software.
To learn more about the Bingham Canyon Copper Mine and its parent company,
Kennecott Copper, visit their website
by following the hyperlink above.