OLC t/a Ensuite 4/e
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Ensuite: Cours intermédiaire de français, 4/e

Chantal P. Thompson, Brigham Young University
Bette Hirsch, Cabrillo College

ISBN: 0072402601
Copyright year: 2003

New to This Edition

New chapter openers introduce students to the cultural topics and grammar points to be discussed in each chapter. Additional vocabulary appears in each chapter to reflect the innovative developments in technology and the impact of shifting cultural interests that affect French and francophone societies. New pre-reading activities – Culture et contexte and Stratégies de lecture – accompany each reading. Updated readings and realia provide students with information concerning the recent changes in the European monetary unit and contemporary cultural and social issues. Newly revised communicative activities offer students new topics to develop and explore in class discussions. A brand new text-specific Website enables students to learn more about the history, literature and culture of the French-speaking world. A newly revised Testing Program provides instructors with updated testing materials that incorporate the changes in scope in the fourth edition of Ensuite.
Ensuite book cover

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