Looking Forward Domestic Violence in Historical Perspective Early History The Twentieth Century The Political Model
of Domestic Violence The Medical Model
of Domestic Violence What Do We Know? What Constitutes Domestic Violence? Intimate Partner Violence Prevalence Marital Status Social Class Child Abuse Prevalence Sexual Abuse and Its Consequences Rising Abuse or Rising Reports? Poverty or Abuse? Elder Abuse Sexual Aggression and Violence in Dating Relationships Sexual Aggression Prevalence Perpetrators Physical Assult Explanations Social Learning Perspective Frustration-Aggression Perspective Social Exchange Perspective Domestic Violence
and Public Policy The Policy Debate Social Programs Looking Back Thinking about Families Key Terms Families on the Internet Boxed Features how do sociologists know what they know? Advocates and Estimates: How Large (or Small) Are Social Problems? families and public policy: Foster Care families in other cultures: Wife Beating in the Developing World |