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Public and Private Families: An Introduction, 3/e
Andrew J. Cherlin, Johns Hopkins University

Remarriage and Stepfamilies

Internet Exercises


A number of organizations provide on-line advice and information to stepparents. See, for instance,, the web site for the Stepfamily Association of Illinois. At their home page, click on "site map," then on "stepfamily basics" to bring up a menu of topics. After browsing the site, determine the message this organization is trying to project to stepfamilies.


The web site offers one of the most comprehensive collections of facts and research summaries. To access it, log onto, then click on "parenting," and on the next page, "step-parenting." From the list of subjects, select "statistics." Do the research studies listed provide any new information about the relationships among stepfamily members?

EXERCISE 3 - Support for Stepfamilies

The Stepfamily Association of America ( is an organization dedicated to supporting stepfamilies in their everyday challenges. Visit their site and click on Facts and FAQs. The Factsheet will appear, from which you read of the extent of stepfamilies in the U.S. today. Click on Stepfamily Myths and read about their issues as they are viewed by the organization. Next, click on FAQs. Why does this organization dislike the term "blended family"?