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Public and Private Families: An Introduction, 3/e
Andrew J. Cherlin, Johns Hopkins University

Cohabitation and Marriage

Multiple Choice Quiz

Read each statement carefully and then select the best answer.


Which of the following factors has NOT been influential in the decline of parental authority in choosing a marriage partner?
A)the increasing ability of children to earn a living without dependence on parental resources
B)growth of wage labor and increased standard of living
C)increasing expectation for marriage as romantic love relationship
D)an increase in the use of marriage brokers for overseas brides

Cherlin argues that the heyday era of dating was
A)in Colonial times.
B)from 1900 to 1920.
C)in the post World War II era from 1945 through 1965.
D)among the hippies in the 1970s.

Regarding the marriage market, the characteristics that a person brings to the bargain are referred to as
A)the supply component.
B)the preferences component.
C)the resources component.

Which is true of cohabiting couples?
A)They are more typically the affluent and college-educated than the less well-off population.
B)The census has shown a decrease in cohabitation in the last 20 years.
C)Cohabitation is more common before remarriages than before first marriages.
D)It is rare for cohabiting couples to have children living with them.

Which of the following is true of changes in union formation from the 1950s to the 1990s?
A)Sexual relations began later in the 1990s than in the 1950s.
B)A premarital pregnancy was more likely to result in marriage in the 1990s than in the 1950s.
C)Cohabitation was more acceptable among the general population in the 1950s than in the 1990s.
D)On the average, people were marrying at a later age in the 1990s than the 1950s.

Cherlin presents evidence that marriage patterns in the twentieth century changed from
A)institutional to companionship to independent.
B)companionship to institutional to independent.
C)independent to institutional to companionship.
D)companionship to independent to institutional.

Which of the following factors was influential in the changing patterns of marriage toward personal satisfaction in the late twentieth century?
A)decreasing emphasis on the values of individualism
B)rising standard of living
C)fewer work opportunities for women
D)increasing focus on the extended rather than the conjugal family unit

Which is true of the benefits of marriage for men and women?
A)Studies have proven that marriage causes better health for men and women.
B)Married people live longer than unmarried people because they feel a responsibility to spouse and children and take fewer risks.
C)Compared to the unmarried, women benefit more than men from marriage.
D)All the benefits of marriage are due to the selection effect of healthier people getting married in the first place.

The first state in the United States to create a legalized form of domestic partnership or civil union was:

Which is true of cohabitation among gays and lesbians?
A)Surveys show that more gay men than lesbians were cohabiting with a partner.
B)Studies show that there are significant differences in love and relationship satisfaction between gay couples vs. heterosexual couples.
C)Gay and lesbian couples tend to fit the model of the companionship marriage.
D)Created kinship ties appear to be an especially important source of family for gay and lesbian couples.