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Harrower:The Newspaper Designer's Handbook
The Newspaper Designer's Handbook, 5/e
Tim Harrower

Photos & Art

Chapter Outline

IV. Photos & Art

  1. Some Photo Guidelines
    1. Every photo should:
      1. have a clean, clear center of interest
      2. look natural
      3. have a cutline
      4. be bordered
      5. be relevant
      6. be at least the size of a dime
  2. Good Photos
  3. Bad Photos
    1. Making the best of bad photos
  4. Cropping Photos
    1. A good crop
    2. A bad crop
  5. Sizing Photos
  6. Halftones & Screens
  7. Scanning Images
    1. Scanning Terminology
    2. Rules of Thumb
  8. Stand-Alone Photos
  9. Photo Spreads
    1. Covering a major event
    2. Exploring a topic or trend
    3. Profiling a personality
    4. Telling a story
    5. Displaying objects/places
  10. Photo Spread Guidelines
    1. Photo guidelines
    2. Headline guidelines
    3. Text guidelines
    4. Cutline guidelines
    5. Other design advice
  11. Studio Shots
  12. Photo Illustrations
    1. Instantly show what the story's about
    2. Should never be mistaken for reality
    3. Work with the headline
    4. Perform with flair
  13. Illustrations
    1. Commentary & caricature
    2. Flavor drawings
    3. Clip art
  14. Feature Art Checklist
    1. Photo solutions
    2. Art solutions/ Photo illustrations
    3. Other graphics solutions
  15. Risky Business
  16. Troubleshooting
  17. Exercises