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Matching Exercise
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Match the study term or technique with the definition. You may use some terms more than once, or not at all.

A(n) __________ is a strong leaning in either a positive or negative direction.


__________ is the technique by which facts, illustrations, and statements are carefully selected to make the maximum impact and sometimes give misleading impressions. The cliché that "statistics don't lie, but you can lie with statistics" applies to this technique.


The __________ device creates the impression that the advertisers or political candidates are just ordinary folks like you and me.


The __________device is based on the idea that "if everybody else is doing it, so should you. The psychology behind this technique makes political polling important at election time. The fact that each candidate needs to project the image that he or she is a winner often leads to some conflicting polling results.


__________ is a device used widely in political and ideological battles as well as in commercial advertising campaigns. It tries to make us form a judgment without examining the evidence on which it should be based. Propagandists appeal to our instincts of hate and fear by giving bad names to those individuals, groups, nations, races, or consumer products that they would like us to condemn or reject.


We don't ordinarily think of this as a propaganda device, but it sells products in many ways. In recent years, emotional appeals based on this have been used more and more in product advertising. __________ is used to stimulate emotions and sell consumer products.


Some advertisements use symbols of authority, prestige, and respect that arouse emotions to sell a cause, a candidate, or a consumer product through the process of subconscious __________ or association.


This is seldom thought of as a propaganda device, yet it is one of the most effective techniques in radio and television commercials. __________ is an excellent tool for creating specific moods, and it can be used effectively for product identification.


A critical reader will study the author's _________, notice whether opinions are supported by facts and reasons, and then decide if the author's bias has hindered the making of a good argument.


The __________ of a word refers to the ideas or feelings suggested by the word.


When someone substitutes an inoffensive word or phrase for one that could be offensive to someone, they are using a(n) __________.


When you look a word up in the dictionary, you are determining its exact meaning without the suggestions or implications that it may have taken on. This is called the denotative meaning of a word.


A(n)__________ is a broad, widely accepted ideals and virtuous words that are used to sell a point of view. This propaganda device urges us to accept and approve something without examination.


The __________ is equally effective in advertising and political campaigns. In the latter, it usually takes the form of a chant that can unite large crowds into one common emotion.


Webster's dictionary defines __________ as "a systematic effort to promote a particular cause or point of view." Thus by definition, it is not evil or deceptive. However, some of the techniques used are questionable because they appeal primarily to our emotions rather than to our intellect.

C)sex appeal
E)denotative meaning
F)plain folks
H)connotative meaning
I)glittering generality
L)line of reasoning

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