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Web Links
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Featured Art Museum

This link provides an opportunity for you to explore a museum online. The material on the featured museum's Website relates in some way to the people or topics addressed in this chapter. To explore more museum websites, visit the Art Museum and Gallery Websites page at:

Metropolitan Museum of Art

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Additional Resources

Visit these Websites to learn more about people or topics discussed in this chapter:

I Saw the Figure 5 in Gold (1928) by Charles Demuth

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Charles Demuth

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I Saw the Figure 5 in Gold (1928) by Charles Demuth

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William Carlos Williams

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William Carlos Williams

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William Carlos Williams

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Vocabulary: an ongoing process
This page offers hints for developing your vocabulary.
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Focusing on Words
A rich source of information that will enhance your English-vocabulary skills! Experience the wonder of words by focusing on the Latin and Greek elements used in English. Visit this special index to the English vocabulary elements groups and quizzes that are available for vocabulary learning.
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Easton Language Education English Online
This website has very rich and diverse materials for teaching and learning, including a vast number of links to such resources as etymology websites, pronunciation guides, dictionaries and glossaries, quizzes and tests, and many educational disciplines including reading.
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OLC Extra! Internet Activity

Conduct an Internet search on the poet William Carlos Williams or the painter Charles Demuth., select one website, and evaluate it by answering the following questions:

1. What is the URL or address for this website? You can cut and paste the URL from your Internet browser into this space.

2. Who created the website? (This may be an individual, an organization, or an institution. For some websites, it's difficult to determine who is responsible for the content. If that is the case for the website you looked at, indicate that here.)

3. What is the main purpose of this website? (The purpose may be to inform, to instruct, to entertain, or to persuade the reader to believe something or to take a certain action.)

4. What elements does this website have that make it effective or ineffective?

5. Why did you choose this website to explore?

6. What questions do you have about any aspect of the website?

7. What is the most valuable part of this website?

8. How will this information affect your life?

9. How does this information support the readings in your textbook?

10. Add any other comments you would like to share. For example, would you recommend this site to your classmates or friends? Did you experience frustration with any aspect of this assignment?


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The Art of Critical ReadingOnline Learning Center

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