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Web Links
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Featured Art Museums

This link provides an opportunity for you to explore a museum online. The material on the featured museum's Website relates in some way to the people or topics addressed in this chapter. To explore more museum websites, visit the Art Museum and Gallery Websites page at:

The Museum of Modern Art

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Salvador Dalí Art Gallery

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Additional Resources

Visit these Websites to learn more about people or topics discussed in this chapter:

The Persistence of Memory, 1931, by Salvador Dalí
Visit the website for The Museum of Modern Art to learn more information about Dalí's painting, The Persistence of Memory. Read the comments about the painting, and write a response. What do you think of the description of the painting? What do you think about the quotes by Dalí?
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Salvador Dalí Art Gallery
Explore the Salvador Dalí Art Gallery, and look at some additional samples of the artist's work, learn more about the man himself, or read about surrealism. Write about two or three interesting facts you learned about Dalí's art, or describe your response to his artwork.
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Marilyn Vos Savant

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The Chaos, by Gerard Nolst Trenité

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Stedman Graham
Stedman Graham gives readers general pointers for dealing with procrastination. Visit this website to learn more about the author.
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University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign: Overcoming Procrastination

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University of Texas at Austin: Overcoming Procrastination
You can also search the Web using the phrase "overcoming procrastination" to find many additional websites with information about this topic.
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From the Textbook: Internet Activity (page 37)

Stress has been linked to many illnesses. To find a list of the negative effects of stress on people's health, go to:

Stress Related Facts
Write a paragraph describing what you learned about stress and disease.
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Stress Assessment
Take the Quick Stress Assessment. It will help you evaluate how well you are handling your personal stressors.
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American Psychological Association
To find information on stress management, visit the American Psychological Association website.
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From the Textbook: Internet Activity (page 43)

To get pro and con viewpoints on the spelling debate, consult these two websites:

Simplified Spelling Society

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Society for the Preservation of English Language and Literature (SPELL)
The first site wants to reform English spelling and the second wants to fight the misuse of the English language in the media. Summarize your findings.
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From the Textbook: Internet Activity (page 52)

Consult two of the following websites and discuss information that you think would be helpful for parents of dyslexic children to know:

Learning Disabilities Association of America

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International Dyslexia Association

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National Center for Learning Disabilities

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Charles and Helen Schwab Foundation

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Don Winkler's Website

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Mel Levine's Institute

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OLC Extra! Internet Activity

The textbook lists some notable achievers with dyslexia, and some who may have had this challenge. Select one of the people listed below:

Scott Adams, "Dilbert" creator
Dr. Baruj Benaceraff, Nobel Prize winner
James Carville, political consultant
Cher, singer, actress
Charles "Pete" Conrad Jr., astronaut
Erin Brockovich Ellis, activist
Dr. Fred Epstein, brain surgeon
Fanny Flagg, writer, actress
Brian Grazer, producer
Whoopi Goldberg, actress
Reyn Guyer, Nerf ball developer
Dr. Edward Hallowell, psychiatrist
Florence Haseltine, M.D., Ph.D.
Bill Hewlett, co-founder, HP
John R. Horner, paleontologist
Bruce Jenner, Olympic gold medalist
Thomas Kean, former governor
Sylvia Law, professor
Jay Leno, host of The Tonight Show
Paul B. MacCready, inventor
David Murdock, CEO, Dole Food
Nicholas Negroponte, director MIT Media Lab
Robert Rauschenberg, artist
Nelson Rockefeller, governor, vice-president
Nolan Ryan, Baseball Hall of Famer
Raymond Smith, former CEO, Bell Atlantic
Wendy Wasserstein, playwright
Thomas J. Watson Jr., former CEO, IBM
Henry Winkler, actor, director

Did they or didn't they have dyslexia? Probably they did.

Winston Churchill
Leonardo da Vinci
Thomas Edison
Albert Einstein
General George S. Patton
Woodrow Wilson
W.B. Yeats

Now search the Internet for information about him or her, and answer the following questions:

1. What is the URL or address for this web site? You can cut and paste the URL from your Internet browser into this space.

2. Who created the web site? (This may be an individual, an organization, or an institution. For some web sites, it's difficult to determine who is responsible for the content. If that is the case for the web site you looked at, indicate that here.)

3. What is the main purpose of this web site? (The purpose may be to inform, to instruct, to entertain, or to persuade the reader to believe something or to take a certain action.)

4. Why did you select this individual? Do you have something in common with him or her? Do you admire his or her work?

5. What new information did you learn about this person from this exercise?

OLC Extra! Internet Activity

The University of Buffalo has put together a website to help students overcome procrastination. Visit this site at:

Overcoming Procrastination
Now list the five tips you found most helpful.
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OLC Extra! Internet Activity

American Institute of Stress
To learn more about the effects of stress, visit the website of the American Institute of Stress. Write a paragraph about the two most interesting facts you learned.

Did you find a Web link that doesn't work?

Despite our best efforts to check all our Websites, some Web addresses may have changed or links may have "died" by the time you try to use them. If a Website or hotlink in the activity is no longer available, try to find a similar site. Try using a search engine to find the original Website or search for another Website that addresses the same topic. Remember to use your critical reading skills to evaluate the quality of any websites, whether the link appeared here or you found the site yourself.
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