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Web Links
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Featured Art Museum

This link provides an opportunity for you to explore a museum online. The material on the featured museum's Website relates in some way to the people or topics addressed in this chapter. To explore more museum websites, visit the Art Museum and Gallery Websites page at:

World of Escher: The Place for Everything Escher

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Additional Resources

Visit these Websites to learn more about people or topics discussed in this chapter:

Relativity, 1953, by M.C. Escher

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Nasreddin Hodja

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The Cicero Homepage

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The Bertrand Russell Archives

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Arnaldo Pomodoro

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Richard Serra's Tilted Arc

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From the Text: Internet Activity (page 80)

"Racial profiling" occurs when people are treated differently because of characteristics that are associated with race, most prominently skin color. In the last few years, many discussions of racial profiling have appeared in the media, especially about racial profiling by law-enforcement agencies. Using an Internet search engine like Google <> or Yahoo <> Explore the Internet to find discussions or articles about racial profiling. Write a paragraph describing what you learned about racial profiling. Do you have an opinion about whether law-enforcement agencies should be allowed to engage in racial profiling?

From the Text: Internet Activity (page 80)

Miami Herald
Go to the Miami Herald website. Click on Dave Barry's name, select a column by Barry, and print it. After reading the column, state Barry's main idea in your own words. List the details that Barry gives to support his main idea.
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From the Text: Internet Activity (page 101)

The National Endowment for the Arts, created by Congress in 1965, is an independent governmental agency that financially supports "projects of artistic excellence." One of its services is to publish articles on various topics related to the arts. One such article, written by Marc Pally, entitled "The Enterprise of Process: Notes on Planning Public Art" provides guidance for making decisions about proposed public-art projects. You will find this article at:

"The Enterprise of Process: Notes on Planning Public Art" by Marc Pally
Write a paragraph describing Pally's recommendations. Or write a paragraph explaining how Pally's recommendations might have led to better decision-making about Tilted Arc.
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OLC Extra! Internet Activity

Using a search engine like Google <> or Yahoo <>, do an Internet search on the artist Richard Serra. Has he created any pieces of public art since Tilted Arc in the 1980s?

Did you find a Web link that doesn't work?

Despite our best efforts to check all our Websites, some Web addresses may have changed or links may have "died" by the time you try to use them. If a Website or hotlink in the activity is no longer available, try to find a similar site. Try using a search engine to find the original Website or search for another Website that addresses the same topic. Remember to use your critical reading skills to evaluate the quality of any websites, whether the link appeared here or you found the site yourself.


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