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Journal Exercise
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We have included the questions that appear below the artworks that open each chapter, the journal prompts from the text's color insert, the “In Your Own Words,” and the “Art of Writing” exercises so that you can submit your answers to your instructor via e-mail, should he or she direct you to do so.

First, type your response in the blank provided here or type your response in a word-processing program and copy and paste it here. Next, edit and proofread your answer carefully. Then click the Submit Answers button at the bottom of the page. On the Results page, insert the requested information and appropriate e-mail addresses and click the E-mail The Results button.

From the textbook: Responding to Art, View and Reflect, In Your Own Words, The Art of Writing

Response to Art (page 249)

Look at the painting American Gothic (1930) by Grant Wood (on page 249 and color insert page 9 of the text) and then answer the following questions:

Notice how the lines of the pitchfork are repeated in the father's shirt front and on the front of his overalls. What might the upright tines of the pitchfork symbolize?
The man stands squarely looking the viewer straight in the eye defending his territory. The woman, on the other hand, averts her eyes from the viewer, looking at something in the distance. What might be the reason for the artist's depiction of the woman in this fashion?
The painting is frequently caricaturized. (Perhaps you have seen a likeness of it featuring the actor Paul Newman and his daughter Nell on the labels of Newman's Own Organics grocery products.) What qualities might make it a favorite subject of caricaturists?
What is the overall tone of the painting?

View and Reflect (color insert page 9)

"The art of a people is a true mirror to their minds." —Jawaharlal Nehru

Write a journal entry in which you describe the attitude of the painter, Grant Wood, to the people he depicted in the painting American Gothic (1930).

In Your Own Words (page 263)

What is the tone of the poem "The Bodybuilders' Contest" by Wislawa Szymborska (on page 263)?
How can we tell the poet is making fun of bodybuilders? Exactly what in the poem makes her feelings clear? What type of satire is being used?
How many of the senses are represented in this poem? What is the overall image of the bodybuilder?
What metaphors does she use? What is she trying to convey with each of these metaphors?

The Art of Writing (page 263)

Write a paraphrase of the poem "The Bodybuilders' Contest" (on page 263), being careful to include the implied main idea.

OLC Extra! Reflections on Reading and Study Skills

These Reflections on Reading and Study Skills exercises provide an opportunity for you to think about the skills you learned in the textbook. To complete these exercises and e-mail them to your instructor, type your response in the blank provided here or type your response in a word-processing program and copy and paste it here. Next, edit and proofread your answer carefully. Then insert your instructor's e-mail address in the "to" line and hit "send."

How can you use a growing awareness of tone, or the emotional quality of an article, to improve your own writing?
In what writing situation might you be able to take advantage of irony and satire? Are there any situations where this kind of humorous approach would not be appropriate? Explain.
This chapter offers more hints for taking multiple-choice exams. Which tips will you keep in mind for your next multiple-choice test? Explain why these tips appeal to you, and how you will use this information to study.

The Art of Critical ReadingOnline Learning Center

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