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Web Links
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Featured Art Museum

This link provides an opportunity for you to explore a museum online. The material on the featured museum's Website relates in some way to the people or topics addressed in this chapter. To explore more museum websites, visit the Art Museum and Gallery Websites page at:

Musée du Louvre at Paris

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Additional Resources

Visit these Websites to learn more about people or topics discussed in this chapter:

Mona Lisa, 1503, by Leonardo da Vinci

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Mona Lisa, 1503, by Leonardo da Vinci

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Leonardo da Vinci

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Leonardo da Vinci

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Kenneth C. Davis, Don't Know Much About series

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Carl Sagan

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Tycho Brahe

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M. Night Shyamalan

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Dr. Benjamin Ansell, director of UCLA's Center for Primary Care-Based Cardiovascular Dise...

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Food and Drug Administration

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Federal Trade Commission

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The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994

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American Medical Association

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American Cancer Society

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American Heart Association

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American College of Sports Medicine

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National Council Against Health Fraud

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American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance

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The Tufts University School of Nutrition Science and Policy: Rating Guide to Nutrition We...

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From the Text: Internet Activity (page 284)

You can find movie reviews by Roger Ebert at:

Roger Ebert
Select a review of a movie that you have recently seen. Print it and underline five opinion statements and five factual statements in it.
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From the Text: Internet Activity (page 297)

The importance of evaluating health care supplements and health-related research carefully cannot be overstated, especially if this information comes to you over the Internet. Using any search engine, type in "health supplements, " and select a website to evaluate. After answering the questions below, write a paragraph summarizing your conclusions about the website.

Name of Internet site:

Web address:

Type of Information Provided:

Organization or Person Responsible for Information:

Directions: Place an X on the line if the statement is true for the site you are evaluating. Total the number of X's. The higher the score, the more likely the site is reputable.

____ 1. The site does not sell products associated with the information provided.

____ 2. The provider is a person, an organization (org), or a governmental agency (gov) with a sound reputation.

____ 3. The site does not use quack words.

____ 4. The site does not try to discredit well-established organizations or government agencies.

____ 5. The site does not rely on testimonials, celebrities, or people with unknown credentials.

____ 6. The site is well-regarded by experts, and has a high rating at

____ 7. The site has a history of providing good information.

____ 8. The site provides complete information that is documented by research.

____ 9. No claims of quick cures or miracle results are made.

____10. The site provides information consistent with health textbooks or medical encyclopedias.

(Information from Concepts of Fitness and Wellness, fourth edition, by Charles B. Corbin, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002, 453-458)

From the Text: Internet Activity (page 301)

To learn more about the Mona Lisa and the measures the Louvre has taken to protect it, this website sponsored by the University of Florida College of Fine Arts:

Mona Lisa Facts
Make a brief outline of your findings and underline the opinions in your outline.
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OLC Extra! Internet Activity

As you learned in the text, astrology uses general, usually flattering, statements to persuade us that assessments of personality are accurate. Visit the following website

Astrology on the Web
Read your horoscope for today. Then write a paragraph in which you discuss whether you think this horoscope applies to you specifically or could apply to anyone.

Did you find a Web link that doesn't work?

Despite our best efforts to check all our Websites, some Web addresses may have changed or links may have "died" by the time you try to use them. If a Website or hotlink in the activity is no longer available, try to find a similar site. Try using a search engine to find the original Website or search for another Website that addresses the same topic. Remember to use your critical reading skills to evaluate the quality of any websites, whether the link appeared here or you found the site yourself.
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