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Multiple Choice Exercise
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What is the main purpose of this book, as stated in the Introduction?
A)to introduce you to major pieces of art from the 20th century.
B)to help you become better at reading, understanding, and evaluating college level material.
C)to give you experience that will allow you to skip certain college classes.
D)to show you ways to pass standardized reading exams.
What does it take for a student to be successful in a reading class?
A)Come to class
B)Turn in all of the required work.
C)Have a perfect GPA in high school
D)Both A and B
E)Both B and C
What is one key action you can take to do well in college?
A)Always go to class
B)Be at your class on time and don’t leave early.
C)Complete all of your work on time.
D)All of the above
Not everyone learns the same way. We all have preferred __________, which are the ways of learning that allow us to learn best.
A)subject areas
B)learning styles
C)instructor types
D)study times
If you are a(n) __________, you learn best by seeing or visualizing information. You understand best by reading, looking at photographs, maps, charts, and picture puzzles. You might us e flash cards to memorize material.
A)Visual Learner
B)Auditory Learner
C)Logical Learner
D)Tactile Learner
If you are a(n) __________ you learn best by doing. You need to be active. You understand best when you are learning through the use of physical activity. You are good at working with your hands and usually take copious notes from lectures. You might even learn best by walking around a room as opposed to sitting in a chair or desk.
A)Visual Learner
B)Auditory Learner
C)Logical Learner
D)Tactile Learner
If you are a(n) __________, you learn best by hearing or listening to explanations. You understand best by listening to lectures, discussions, reading out loud, and even by listening to tape recorded material.
A)Visual Learner
B)Auditory Learner
C)Logical Learner
D)Tactile Learner
If you are a(n) __________ you learn best by thinking through a subject and finding answers that make sense. You understand best by making connections between different thoughts and ideas as opposed to just memorizing material.
A)Visual Learner
B)Auditory Learner
C)Logical Learner
D)Tactile Learner
What question can you ask yourself to apply the knowledge of your personal learning style?
A)How should I study to take best advantage of my learning styles?
B)What major or classes best suits my preferred learning styles?
C)Which teachers best suit my learning styles?
D)All of the above
What information does the course syllabus usually contain?
A)an outline of the requirements and objectives for the course and an explanation of the grading system
B)dates for quizzes, tests, and the final exam and assignment due dates
C)the class attendance policy and information needed to contact the instructor
D)All of the above

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