| Life-Span Development, 8/e John W. Santrock,
University of Texas - Dallas
SupplementsStudent Supplements: ISBN | Item | 007241435-9 | Student Study Guide | 0072486953 | Making the Grade CD-ROM | 007241439 | On-Line Learning Center | 0697266850 | The Critical Thinker - Richard Mayer ;amp; Fiona Goodchild | 0697294285 | The Aids Booklet - Frank D.Cox | 0072433035 | Annual Editions: Human Development 01/02 |
Instructor Supplements: ISBN | Item | 0072414367 | Instructors Manual | 0072414413 | Computerized Test Bank, Windows, | 0072414405 | Instructor's Resource CD ROM | 0072414391 | On-Line Learning Center | On IRCD and web only | PowerPoint P:resentations |