|  Physical Science, 5/e Bill Tillery,
Arizona State University
What's New- Expanded analysis of the nature of science, including scientific methods, explanations and hypotheses, controlled experiments, and pseudoscience. Moved some of the more math related material to the appendix (for example, graphing and analysis of slope).
- Parallel Exercises redesigned to be physically as well as conceptually parallel.
- Improvement in the development of certain concepts that gave students the most difficulty according to users (for example, explanations of certain weather-related events simplified further for better student comprehension).
- Content updated to reflect recent discoveries of new elements, new astronomical findings, and new developments in physics, chemistry, and energy use patterns.
- Improvement were made in certain line art figures and figure explanations for better student comprehension.
- Biographies of famous scientists added in chapters that are concerned with the area of their work.
- Lab Manual: Improvements in procedures and more data tables added as suggested by reviewers and users.
- Instructor's Manual: Expansion and improvement of discussion questions that can be used as cooperative teaching resources. Users identified a few errors in the problem solutions and these were corrected. Improvements in the extensive set of test questions were made to reflect content update and expanded coverage.