Looking for a Job in Science? American Association for the Advancement
of Science (http://recruit.sciencemag.org/)
Provided by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, this site
offers a variety of job services for those in the science field. Click on Job
Search, and you can search for employment by Company, Position Title, or Date.
A majority of jobs (listed as of March 23, 2000) were for those who are interested
in professorships and/or post-graduate research. In addition to searches, there
are Job Alerts, Employer Profiles, Career Fairs, and Advice and Perspectives.
Also provided is the opportunity to view and/or participate in the 1999 Career
Satisfaction & Salary Survey. Earthworks
Earthworks maintains this site, where one can "find the latest jobs in oil,
mining, geoscience, environmental sciences and related subjects advertised with
EARTHWORKS." Available positions included work in Archaeology, Soil Science,
Oceanography, Seismology, Climatology, and Ecology; however, sales and marketing
positions with oil & gas companies such as UniSource were also posted. The
site allows one to submit a full-length resume for a fee, or a short resume
at no charge, and employers can view submitted resumes. This site is "updated
several times per day." Environmental Jobs and Careers (http://www.ejobs.org/) E Jobs links to environmental opportunities in the USA and Canada. Employment
includes careers such as environmental engineers, nature and wetlands scientists,
GIS, technicians, chemists, earth sciences / geologists, policy and law, wildlife
conservation, planning, education, wastewater treatment and operations, program
and project management, natural resources, etc. Energy Careers (http://energycareers.com/)
Energy Careers offers information on the energy industry, including positions
for engineers and analysts. Their site will "introduce you to those fields and
to scientists in them. It will also provide information on salaries and links
to additional resources." Click on Links to access job search information -
a page of links to sites that offer employment searches, information, and help. Engineer Search (http://www.engineersearch.com/)
EngineerSearch provides current engineering job listings and job posting services
only for the engineering profession and a directory facility to locate established
engineering companies and firms. The engineering job listing and job posting
service provides an inexpensive facility to supplements company's job listings
and gain wider exposure to announce pending positions. Oiljob.com (http://www.oiljob.com/)
Oiljob provides a search of thousands of job posting in the oil industry and
an area to post your resume. You may search the job postings by expertise and/or
location. The Go to Link supplies additional information on companies, publications,
science and research, education, professional organizations, and more. NewScientist Jobs (http://www.newscientistjobs.com/)
Entitled NewScientist Jobs, this site contains a listing of international job
openings in scientific fields. The main page consists of an application where
one signs on, providing information such as name, e-mail and whether or not
one wants to be contacted with new opportunities. The rest of the application
deals with the actual job search, i.e.: discipline, sector, and geographic region.
Using this information, a list of jobs is provided. Science, Math, and Engineering Career Resources
PhDs.Org maintains this site on Science, Math, and Engineering Career Resources.
Click on Finding Employment to access "everything you need to know about finding
a job in science," including job listings, information for post-doc's (such
as "Advice for two-PhD couples" and "...current job market problems for PhDs"),
salary information and current issues in science-related employment. There is
also a Science Career Library that "contains information for scientists and
would-be scientists at all levels, from high school students through Nobel laureates." Scientist's Employment Network (http://www.scijobs.org/)
The Scientist's Employment Network has "made a genuine effort to provide the
fastest, most comprehensive, and timely internet job-hunting tool for the natural
sciences." This site offers many of the job services that the American Association
for the Advancement of Scientists (#1 above) does, such as Search for a Job,
Browse Our Employer Database, Register for E-mail Alerts; however, it differentiates
itself by offering "the largest database of up-to-date scientifically-relevant
jobs of any internet site that we've found" - more than 11,500 jobs from 343
employers -- and by offering features such as Recommend an Employer. The Chronicle (http://chronicle.com/jobs/)
The publication The Chronicle provides this site. Job postings are updated
with each issue. One can search these listings and has the option of being notified
of future openings. In addition, the site provides Job Market News, Items of
Interest, and Advice for the Job Seeker. The Lab Rat (http://www.thelabrat.com/) "An information center for Scientists, Researchers and Lab Rats alike," this
site posts a wide variety of items of interest to scientists. As far as jobs
are concerned, you can browse the site by industry or search by specific job
titles. This site also includes a Career Advice Center, and the "opportunity
to anonymously sound off with your feelings about your workplace!" GlobalEnergyJobs (http://globalenergyjobs.com) GlobalEnergyJobs is focused on the world's energy industry including: oil and gas exploration & production, refining & marketing; power & utility; pipeline transportation; engineering & construction; service & equipment; chemicals & petrochemicals; geothermal; alternative energy; fuel cells; solar; wind; nuclear; cogeneration; mining; professional services; energy banking and information technology. For the employee there are areas to post a resume, search jobs, and browse the employer list. For the employer, there are areas to post a company profile, post job listings, search resumes, and find a recruiter. |