The book is accompanied by a comprehensive Online Learning Center website (OLC)
for instructors and students. The OLC includes: Book, author, and errata pages; password
protected text problem solutions for instructors; PowerPoint slides of book illustrations;
MATLAB examples and simulations for machine design (by Sid Wang); “FEPC” a 2-D fi-nite
element program students can use to do basic finite element explorations (by Charles
Knight). An accompanying Finite Element Primer on the site explains the use of FEPC, and
specific applications of FEA to mechanical design; interactive Fundamentals of Engineer-ing
(FE) exam questions for machine design (by Edward Anderson); and chapter overviews
for students.SUPPLEMENTS
A Solutions Manual is available upon request to instructors in printed form (as well as on
the OLC website). Written and class tested by the author, it features complete solutions to
problems in the text.
To obtain an instructor login for this Online Learning Center, ask your local sales representative.
If you're an instructor thinking about adopting this textbook, request a free copy for review.