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Understanding Psychology Book Cover Image
Understanding Psychology, 6/e
Robert S. Feldman, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Grade Summit

Optimize your study time. Elevate your grade!
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GradeSummit is a self-assessment, diagnostic product that helps students make the most efficient use of their study time. This Internet service provides a variety of ways for students to analyze what they know and don't know in order to quickly guide them to those subject areas where spending their study time will help them most. By revealing subject strengths and weaknesses and by providing feedback and direction, GradeSummit enables students to focus their study time on those areas where they are most in need of improvement. Each GradeSummit product contains thousands of unique exam-like questions written by experienced professors and peer reviewed for quality and accuracy. These questions are the vehicle to invaluable information students and their instructors can only get here. So, don't wait to see how you do on the exam to find out what you know - use GradeSummit to ensure you are ready for that next test!

For more information students and instructors should visit