Engineering Economy, 5/e Leland Blank,
Texas A&M University Anthony Tarquin,
University of Texas - El Paso
Factors: How Time and Interest Affect Money
Learning ObjectivesPurpose: Derive and use the engineering economy factors to account for the time value of money. This chapter will help you:
1. F/P and P/F factorsDerive and use the compound amount factor and present
worth factor for single payments. |
| | | 2. P/A and A/P factorsDerive and use the uniform series present worth and capital
recovery factors. |
| | | 3. F/A and A/F factorsDerive and use the uniform series compound amount and
sinking fund factors. |
| | | 4. Interpolate factor valuesLinearly interpolate to determine a factor value. |
| | | 5. P/G and A/G factorsDerive and use the arithmetic gradient present worth and
uniform series factors. |
| | | 6. Geometric gradientDerive and use the geometric gradient series formulas. |
| | | 7. Calculate iDetermine the interest rate (rate of return) for a sequence of
cash flows. |
| | | 8. Calculate nDetermine the number of years required for equivalence in a
cash flow series. |
| | | 9. SpreadsheetsDevelop a spreadsheet to perform basic sensitivity analysis
using spreadsheet functions. |