Clear descriptive style which is understandable for undergraduate students.
Balanced use of qualitative descriptive material along with quantitative or analytical examples for students. This blend allows students to read and to apply the concepts, more effectively than any other text.
Learning OM is supported in this text with solved examples, solved problems, newsclips, readings, screen shots, illustrative graphics, photos, and thoughtful end of chapter assignment and review material, all carefully selected and balanced so as to support and motivate undergraduate business students. This text has been successful over the long run due to succeeding at helping students succeed.
Clearly written and understandable presentation of concepts, from strategic considerations such as TQM, JIT, plant location, and product design and development all the way down to the how to details of forecasting, inventory models, and process control charts.
Feature: Solved Problems provide detailed how to examples for student self study.
Balanced mix of newsclips from the popular press, classic readings, and short articles all highlight and support student motivation and understanding of the real world applications and the preeminent importance of OM concepts in business today.
A wealth of carefully tested and refined assignment material is included, from thoughtful discussion questions to conceptual big picture memo exercises, cases, and operations tours, along with a complete set of problems.
Text presentation is supported by more graphic illustrations than any other, using four color for interest and function, as well as carefully chosen color photos.
The Seventh Edition features increased coverage of services and service aspects of manufacturing in many chapters, as well as new material on ethics. Coverage of work systems and project management include new discussions of managerial issues such as motivation and trust.
Chapter 6 now combines process design and facility layout, and the new expanded chapter 12 on Supply Chain Management has been moved forward---in addition, Supply chain issues are covered in chapters 1, 2 and 8.
The MRP chapter now includes a major section on ERP and e-issues in Operations are covered in many chapters, including 1, 2, 3, 8, 12, 15, and 18.
Throughout the seventh edition, revisions to examples, problems, cases, references, and photos provide a modern and up-to-date treatment of the dynamic field of Operations Management.
Interactive Operations Management (IOM) modules are included in the Student Center to help students learn the operations management concepts in the text. The modules allow students to see and experience how sample problems are solved step by step. Some modules also allow input of data and automatic solution of problems.
To obtain an instructor login to the Online Learning Centers, ask your local sales representative.
If you're an instructor thinking about adopting this textbook, request a free copy for review.