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acceptable quality level (AQL)  for a given sampling plan, a specified quality level for which there is a low probability of rejecting a good lot.
acceptance number  in attributes sampling, for a given sample size, the maximum number of allowable defectives for acceptance.
acceptance sampling  form of inspection applied to lots or batches of items before or after process, to judge conformance with predetermined standards.
attribute  a characteristic that has just two choices, e.g., defective or acceptable.
average outgoing quality (AOQ)  given a particular acceptance sampling plan, a function showing the average quality level of the outgoing lot, as a result of replacing defective units found in sampling by good ones.
conformance  the characteristics of the product satisfy the established standards.
consumer's risk  the probability that a lot that has a quality equal to the lot tolerance percent defective will be accepted, or passed; also known as a Type II error.
inspection  examining material in process or finished products to determine conformance to standard.
lot tolerance percent defective (LTPD)  for a given sampling plan, a specified quality level for which there is a low probability of accepting a bad lot.
operating characteristic (OC)  a mathematical function that yields, for a given sampling plan, the probability of accepting the lot, as a function of the percent defective.
producers risk  the probability that a lot that has an acceptable quality level will be rejected; also known as a Type I error.
quality  a measure of the conformance of a product to an established standard; quality may be defined either quantitatively or quantitatively.
sampling plan  a procedure that identifies a lot as being of either acceptable or rejectable quality. A typical acceptance sampling plan would specify for a given lot size, the sample size and the maximum number of allowable defects for acceptance.
Type I error  rejecting a good lot; symbolized by α.
Type II error  accepting a bad lot as good; symbolized by β.

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