activity-based costing | allocation of overhead to specific jobs based on their percentage of activities.
andon | a system of lights used at each work station to signal problems or slowdowns.
autonomation | automatic detection of defects during production.
housekeeping | maintaining a workplace that is clean and free of unnecessary materials.
jikoda | Japanese term for the automatic detection of defects during production.
JIT II | allowing vendors to manage some aspects of buying their products for the customer.
just-in-time system | repetitive production system in which processing and movement of materials and goods occur just as they needed, usually in small batches.
kanban | a card or other device that communicates demand for work or materials to be forwarded from the preceding station.
manufacturing cell | a production center which contains the machines and tools needed to process
families of parts that have similar processing requirements.
poka-yoke | fail-safe tools and methods designed to prevent mistakes from occurring.
preventive maintenance | emphasizes keeping equipment in good working order and replacing parts which have a tendency to fail before they actually fail.
pull system | a workstation pulls output from the preceding station as it is needed.
push system | work is pushed to the next station as it is completed..