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Principles of Environmental Science
William P. Cunningham, University of Minnesota
Mary Ann Cunningham, Vassar College

Career Information

The following are useful hyperlinks to sites that are of particular interest to students of environmental studies.
Career Resources

Useful links for the person looking for a job in Biology or Environmental Science.
The Biology Careers Page

Information provided by Furman University. A Bachelor's Degree in biology opens the door to an unusually large number of career options. This page and its links help you to explore the occupations that have a biological "flavor."
Career Research Center

Career Research Center
Job Description Index

Job Description Index
Agriculture and Outdoor Job Descriptions

Agriculture and Outdoor Job Descriptions
Science and Technology Job Descriptions

Jobs by interest areas with almost 1000 jobs sorted into interest group, and an alphabetical Mega List of Job descriptions from Australia and USA.
Science - Recruitment Advertising

Job listings in Science magazine.
Internet Job Hunting Resources for Microscopists and Other Scientists

A Feature Section of MicroWorld Resource.
Environmental Careers

The Environmental Education Courses Database allows you to conduct specialised searches for course information on careers in any one of 18 areas of specialty.
Annual Environmental Careers Symposium

The Symposium is coordinated by the College of Forest Resources at NCSU and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and is hosted at the NIEHS. Faculty and researchers from North Carolina State University, Duke University, North Carolina A & T University, North Carolina Central University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Meredith College, the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences participate as presenters at the Symposium.
Princeton University, Outdoor Action, Outdoor/Environmental Careers Guide

This job resource guide is from a workshop on Outdoor and Environmental Careers given to students at Princeton University. It is made available to the Internet community as an educational resource.
Smithsonian Sources for information on careers in Biology, Conservation, and Oceanography

The National Museum of Natural History receives numerous requests for information on careers in the biological sciences. This pamphlet provides a listing of the career guidance leaflets published by the professional scientific societies as well as United States Government publications on careers in biology, conservation, and oceanography. Other sources for career information are also included.
The National Park Service Employment Information Home Page

Contacts, Seasonal Employment, Volunteers in Parks, Department of the Interior Automated Vacancy System, Office of Personnel Management Job Announcements.