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SupplementsThis site provides complimentary access to PowerWeb Geography -- McGraw-Hill's online articles from the popular press as well as links and quizzing. Bookmark this URL so you can review material or prepare for class. Here's what you will find:For Instructors: Please note that all instructor's material is password protected to ensure that students do not gain access to this portion of the site.
- Instructor's Manual
- Test Item File
- Lecture Outlines
- Image Bank
For Students:- Student Study Guide is available for FREE
- Online Quizzing
- World Map Collection
- Flashcards
- Crossword Puzzles
- Links to Chapter-Specific Web Sites
- FREE access to PowerWeb Geography
- Career Center
Other Supplements:- Transparencies
- Slides
- Diploma Hybrid CD-ROM
- Image Bank CD-ROM
- Visual Resource Library CD-ROM containing 544 images from various McGraw-Hill GeoScience texts, many specific to Human Geography
- Qualified adopters can choose from an extensive GeoScience Videotape Library
Packaging Opportunities
Many helpful, inexpensive supplements are available for packaging. Check with your McGraw-Hill sales representative for specific ISBN information and pricing. All of the following items are available at a significant discount when packaged with Human Geography:
- Allen: Student Atlas of World Geography
- Allen: Student Atlas of World Politics
- Dorling/Kindersley: EyeWitness World Atlas CD-ROM
- Fuson: Fundamental Place-Name Geography
- Getis: You Can Make a Difference: Be Environmentally Responsible
- Pitzl: Annual Editions - Geography
- Rand McNally: New Millennium CD-ROM (windows only)
- Rand McNally: Atlas of World Geography