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Human Geography, 7/e
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Chapter 12
Figure 12.3Territorial claims in Antarctica
Figure 12.4Relationships between "states" and "nations"
Figure 12.5Discrepancies between tribal and national boundaries in Africa
Figure 12.6Africa from colonies to states
Figure 12.7New states within former USSR
Figure 12.9Landlocked states
Figure 12.11Canada's migratory capital
Figure 12.15The disputed boundary between Argentina and Chile
Figure 12.16Kashmir
Figure 12.19Canadian-U.S. railroad discontinuity
Figure 12.20Regions in Western Europe seeking autonomy
Figure 12.21Geopolitical viewpoints
Figure 12.24The 200-nautical mile exclusive economic zone (EEZ) claims of coastal states
Figure 12.25The original Inner Six and Outer Seven of Europe
Figure 12.26The European Union
Figure 12.27(a) The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA);
(b) Western Hemisphere economic unions
Figure 12.31Political fragmentation in Champaign County, Illinois