1 |  |  How is an ethnic group determined? |
 |  | |
2 |  |  Spatial identity without political independence is characteristic of the homelands in Europe of the ___________________. |
 |  | A) | Basques |
 |  | B) | Welsh |
 |  | C) | Bretons |
 |  | D) | all of the above |
 |  | E) | none of the above |
3 |  |  Race is an inherited biological characteristic, ethnicity is a learned cultural characteristic. |
 |  | A) | True |
 |  | B) | False |
4 |  |  Prior to 1870, the chief sources of American immigrants were ____________________. |
 |  | A) | East Asia and Northwestern Europe |
 |  | B) | Subsaharan Africa and Southeastern Europe |
 |  | C) | Latin America and East Asia |
 |  | D) | Northwestern Europe and Subsaharan Africa |
5 |  |  During the period of 1870-1921, the dominant source of American immigrants was ___________________. |
 |  | A) | Latin America |
 |  | B) | Northwestern Europe |
 |  | C) | Southeastern Europe |
 |  | D) | East Asia |
6 |  |  Immigration to the United States slowed considerably after 1921 and remained low until the _________________. |
 |  | A) | 1990s |
 |  | B) | 1980s |
 |  | C) | 1970s |
 |  | D) | 1960s |
7 |  |  Amalgamation theory implies a continuum for immigrant groups to move along with respect to becoming part of the host society. At what point on this continuum has the immigrant group been fully integrated into the host society? |
 |  | A) | acculturation |
 |  | B) | behavioral assimilation |
 |  | C) | structural assimilation |
 |  | D) | not given |
8 |  |  Competition theory relative to assimilation indicates that increased structural assimilation often _________________. |
 |  | A) | decreases ethnic identity |
 |  | B) | does not affect ethnic identity |
 |  | C) | increases ethnic identity |
 |  | D) | either "A" or "B" |
9 |  |  Underlying a charter culture is the principle of first effective settlement according to Zelinsky. |
 |  | A) | True |
 |  | B) | False |
10 |  |  Can the Hispanic influence in the American Southwest be considered an example of a charter culture? |
 |  | A) | Yes |
 |  | B) | No |
11 |  |  Can the Hispanic influence in the American Southwest be considered a regional example of a charter culture? |
 |  | A) | Yes |
 |  | B) | No |
12 |  |  Ethnic islands only are found in inner city locations. |
 |  | A) | True |
 |  | B) | False |
13 |  |  Urban enclaves of ethnic groups which were the product of the influence of the initial ethnic settlers on family members, friends, and neighbors to come to such areas are categorized as this type of migration _________________. |
 |  | A) | step migration |
 |  | B) | return migration |
 |  | C) | chain migration |
 |  | D) | cluster migration |
14 |  |  When an ethnic island increases in size such that its population ranges into millions of people of a particular ethnicity, we have seen the development of an ethnic province. |
 |  | A) | True |
 |  | B) | False |
15 |  |  Although conditions have changed markedly relative to agriculture in the southern United States and industry in the northern United States, the largest concentration of African-American population remains in the American South. |
 |  | A) | True |
 |  | B) | False |
16 |  |  Reverse migration of Blacks to the American South was most pronounced in this time period ___________________. |
 |  | A) | 1940s-1960s |
 |  | B) | 1950s-1970s |
 |  | C) | 1960s-1980s |
 |  | D) | 1970s-1990s |
17 |  |  The most rapidly growing segment of the minority ethnic groups in the United States in terms of total population _______________. |
 |  | A) | African-American |
 |  | B) | Asian |
 |  | C) | Hispanic |
 |  | D) | Native American |
18 |  |  As a whole, Hispanic groups are more urbanized than non-Hispanic groups. |
 |  | A) | True |
 |  | B) | False |
19 |  |  The most rapidly growing segment of the minority ethnic groups in the United States in terms of total percentage growth during the period of 1981-2000. |
 |  | A) | African-American |
 |  | B) | Asian |
 |  | C) | Hispanic |
 |  | D) | Native American |
20 |  |  Which ethnicity is the charter group of Quebec? |
 |  | A) | English |
 |  | B) | French |
 |  | C) | Ukrainian |
 |  | D) | Aboriginal |
21 |  |  The index of residential dissimilarity is an indicator of ethnic differences in terms of _________________. |
 |  | A) | housing stock |
 |  | B) | architecture |
 |  | C) | segregation |
 |  | D) | social distance |
22 |  |  Which of these is the result of an external control practiced more by a charter group than a competing ethnic minority group when a neighborhood is going through ethnic change? |
 |  | A) | defense |
 |  | B) | support |
 |  | C) | preservation |
 |  | D) | tipping point |
23 |  |  When an ethnic cluster persists because of internal controls practiced by an ethnic group, the spatial result is a ghetto. |
 |  | A) | True |
 |  | B) | False |
24 |  |  Native-born, notably white Americans seem to be changing their areal concentration as a response to new immigrant settlement activity. This response is characterized by ________________. |
 |  | A) | movement into inner city neighborhoods |
 |  | B) | movement into suburbs |
 |  | C) | movement to coastal locations that are receiving new immigrants |
 |  | D) | movement away from coastal locations that are receiving new immigrants |
 |  | E) | "B" and "D" |
25 |  |  Reasserting old values, trying to raise group consciousness, and reestablishing traditional traits to achieve a measure of social separation by an ethnic group from a charter culture is known as culture rebound. |
 |  | A) | True |
 |  | B) | False |
26 |  |  Which of the following can be an artifact reflecting ethnicity on the cultural landscape? |
 |  | A) | land division |
 |  | B) | settlement patterns |
 |  | C) | house and farm building architecture |
 |  | D) | all of the above |
 |  | E) | none of the above |