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Organization of the Body

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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
of the head and neck in sagittal section.
MRI is particularly useful in viewing
soft tissues such as the brain.

1.1 The Human Body
(See page(s) 2)

Define anatomy and physiology, and explain how they are related.

Describe each level of organization of the body with reference to an example.

1.2 Anatomical Terms
(See page(s) 3)

Use anatomical terms to describe the relative positions of the body parts, the regions of the body, and the planes by which the body can be sectioned.

1.3 Body Cavities and Membranes
(See page(s) 6)

List the cavities of the body, and state their locations.

Name the organs located in each of the body cavities.

Name the membranes that line each body cavity and adhere to the organs.

1.4 Organ Systems
(See page(s) 8)

List the organ systems of the body, and state the major organs associated with each.

Describe in general the functions of each organ system.

1.5 Homeostasis
(See page(s) 10)

Describe how a feedback system maintains homeostasis.

Define disease, and explain the difference between a local and a systemic disease.

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