Robertson DaviesBiographical | A.M. Kuchling put together this fine page about Davies. With biographical info, a bibliography, interviews, reviews, photographs, quotations, and obituaries, it's a great place to start your online research. This page, by John Terning of Harvard University, contains two photos, a hyperlinked timeline, some information about Davies's major works, and a link for further info.
| Bibliographical | This is a hyperlinked Davies bibliography from There, you'll find information about Davies's many books, organized by series, fiction, nonfiction, and collections. There's also some info on books written about Davies. Here's a quotation about quotations by Davies—a meta-quotation, if you will. What do you make of it? Here is a page with a link to a RealAudio interview that Don Swaim conducted with Davies in 1989. You'll also find an author photo, a bit of biographical info, and some links. Here's an essay called "Why Robertson Davies Doesn't Matter." What do you make of the author's tone? Do you think he has a point? Explain.
| Cultural | Interested in researching superstitions? Here's a handy collection called "Superstitions from Europe" by D.L. Ashliman of the University of Pittsburgh. ("Rainwater found on tombstones will remove freckles"? Good to know.) Here's a PBS interview that Margaret Warner conducted in 1995 with John Kenneth Galbraith after Davies's death. What does Galbraith think of the author's work? Do you agree? Find a review of a book by Davies on this page. (Hint: It's called For Your Eye Alone, and it's a collection of letters.) Now that you have some info about it, do you want to read it? Why or why not? (Free registration required.)