After reading the essay assigned to you, answer these questions--as well as any others that come to mind--in the space provided.
1 |  |  What is the thesis or main point of the text? |
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2 |  |  What methods does the author use to support these points (illustration, example, citing authorities, citing studies and/or statistics, description, personal experience, history, etc.)? |
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3 |  |  What value position, if any, does the author present? Is the author either directly or indirectly presenting her or his moral framework on an issue, or is he or she summarizing or describing an issue? |
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4 |  |  Does the author use any special terms or expressions that need to be clarified? |
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5 |  |  What is the level of discourse of the essay? What level of educational attainment does the author presume in the audience? |
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6 |  |  Who is the implied audience for the essay? Is it written for a specialized profession or for individuals with a focus on their particular role in society? |
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7 |  |  What other questions arise after a careful reading of the text? |
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