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Identifying Arguments
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Interactions 2 Writing, 4/e
Cheryl Pavlik
Margaret Keenan Segal

With Liberty and Justice for All

Identifying Arguments For and Against a Proposal

This is a list of arguments for a proposal and counter arguments against it. The proposal is that students be required to wear uniforms at school. Choose the five best arguments for the proposal and the five best counter arguments, and write them in the corresponding box.

      1. Uniforms make everyone look the same. They destroy self-expression.

      2. Anyone can borrow a uniform and pretend that they are a student.

      3. When students wear uniforms, no one knows who is rich and who is poor.

      4. Uniforms are important for security. It is easy to see who belongs in the school and who doesn't.

      5. Students who wear uniforms don't spend a lot of time deciding what to wear in the morning.

      6. Dress is very important in school. Uniforms help keep the proper atmosphere.

      7. Uniforms help people save money because parents can buy old uniforms.

      8. Good students will behave in school whether or not they are wearing a uniform.

      9. Schools without uniforms have dress codes to make sure that everyone dresses properly.

      10. Everyone knows who has money. You don't need clothing to tell you that.

      11. Uniforms are ugly.

      12. When students wear uniforms, teachers don't have to worry about inappropriate dress.


Arguments for the proposal:

Arguments against the proposal: