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Interactions 2 Writing, 4/e
Cheryl Pavlik
Margaret Keenan Segal
Business and Money
Practicing Editing
Edit and rewrite the following paragraph. Pay particular attention to:
stating obligations with
must, must not, have to
don't have to
stating opinions with
should, shouldn't
, and
ought to
supporting an opinion with examples
avoiding faulty reasoning
Our school should not increase tution. Students don't have to pay more. If the college increases the tuition, it will be more expnsive to go to school. The college should save money rather than make students pay more. There are many ways to do this. For example, the football team doesn't have to get new unaforms every year. The college also ought charge more for room and board. Students in dormitories are rich, so they can afford to pay higher fees. Increasing the cost of tuition will just force poor students to leave school.
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