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Advantage Series MS Office XP Excel 2002
Advantage Series: Microsoft® Excel 2002
Sarah Hutchinson-Clifford
Glen Coulthard

Modifying A Worksheet

Hands-On Exercises

Download as a Word document: Hands-On Exercises Ch02 (85.0K)

Sunny Side Marina

In this exercise you practice using Excel’s "Auto" features to quickly enter information and calculate results.

  1. Load Excel.
  2. Open the file "EX02HE-SSM" to display the workbook shown in Figure 2-1.

    <a onClick="'/olcweb/cgi/pluginpop.cgi?it=gif:: ::/sites/dl/free/0072470941/26807/Ch02_Image1ho.gif','popWin', 'width=NaN,height=NaN,resizable,scrollbars');" href="#"><img valign="absmiddle" height="16" width="16" border="0" src="/olcweb/styles/shared/linkicons/image.gif"> (50.0K)</a>
  3. Save the file as "Rentals" to your personal storage location.
  4. First, complete the entry for Dave Sehoyan, who rented a Jet Ski on June 28 th . To begin:
    CLICK: Cell B9
    TYPE: J
    PRESS: [Enter]
  5. Thomas Browne is back to rent the Hobie Cat again. Lets enter information on a new row:
    CLICK: Cell A10
    TYPE: T
    PRESS: [Tab]
    RIGHT CLICK: Cell B10
    CHOOSE: Pick from List…
    CLICK: Hobie Cat in the list
    PRESS: [Tab]
    On your own, complete the entry. He is taking the boat for 8 hours on June 25 th , 2001, and the rate is $12.
  6. Lets use the AutoCalculate to total the number of hours, without entering a value into the worksheet.
    SELECT: Cell range from C5 to C10.
    Notice that the status bar now displays "Sum=33"
  7. To enter a label and total the rentals for the week (in the "Total" column)
    SELECT: Cell A11
    TYPE: Total
    SELECT: Cell F11
    CLICK: AutoSum button
    Excel reviews the worksheet and highlights its best guess of the range you want to sum.
  8. To accept the cell range:
    PRESS: [Enter]
    The answer, $382 now appears in the cell.
  9. Save and then close the workbook.

Data File: EX02HE_SSM (13.0K)

Financial Planners, Inc.

In this exercise you practice copying and moving data using Excel’s AutoFill feature, drag and drop, and the Windows clipboard.

  1. Load Excel and open the file "EX02HE-FPI" to display the worksheet shown in Figure 2-2.

    <a onClick="'/olcweb/cgi/pluginpop.cgi?it=gif:: ::/sites/dl/free/0072470941/26807/Ch02_Image2ho.gif','popWin', 'width=NaN,height=NaN,resizable,scrollbars');" href="#"><img valign="absmiddle" height="16" width="16" border="0" src="/olcweb/styles/shared/linkicons/image.gif"> (50.0K)</a>
  2. Save the workbook as "Analyst" to your personal storage location.
  3. First, you will use AutoFill to fill the dates in column A down. Begin by:
    SELECT: Cell A7
    DRAG: the fill handle for cell A7 to row 18.
  4. On your own, extend the column heading in cell B21 to column E. You should now have the headings 1 st Qtr to 4 th Qtr.
  5. Now, you want to move the earnings estimate next to the price history. Begin by:
    SELECT: the cell range A20 to E23
    POINT: at the range border.
    DRAG: until the upper left corner of the selection is over cell D5.
  6. We will now use the worksheet as the template for another stock. To do this:
    SELECT: the cell range A1 to H18
    CLICK: the Copy button on the standard tool bar
  7. The new stock is going on a different sheet in the workbook. You will need to switch to Sheet2 before you paste the selection from the clipboard.
    CLICK: Sheet2 tab at the bottom of the workbook window
    CLICK: Paste on the standard toolbar
  8. Save the workbook and exit Excel.

Data File: EX02HE_FPI (13.0K)
