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Advantage Series MS Office XP Excel 2002
Advantage Series: Microsoft® Excel 2002
Sarah Hutchinson-Clifford
Glen Coulthard

Formatting And Printing

Multiple Choice Quiz

Click on the correct response for each question below.


What are the choices on the formatting toolbar for alignment within a cell?
A)Fill, left, and right
B)Merge, left, and right
C)Combine and center, left, and right
D)Left, center, and right

To rotate the text entries in a cell, or cells, you would use which of the following command sequences?
A)Format, Cells, click the alignment tab, then use the controls in the Orientation area.
B)Format, Text, click the alignment tab, then use the controls in the Orientation area.
C)Right click on the cell or cells, and choose rotate.
D)Format, Cells, click the Rotate tab, then use the spin control to adjust the angle.

To safely remove a cell’s formatting without effecting the contents of the cell:
A)Click the undo command button immediately after choosing a formatting command
B)Choose Edit, Clear, Formats command.
C)Neither A, nor B
D)Both A and B

When using AutoFormat, Excel enhances the appearance of the selected cells by changing the following characteristics:
A)Applying text and numeric formatting only
B)By setting all numeric formats to display 2 decimal places
C)Applying fonts, number formats, alignments, boarders, shading and color.
D)Clearing all previous formatting attributes.

The four tabs in the Page Setup dialog box are:
A)Orientation, Headers, Footers, and Margins
B)Page, Margins, Header/Footer, and Sheet
C)Page, Size, Layout, and Header/Footer
D)Alignment, Border, Patterns, and Protection
