| Office XP Excel 2002, 2/e Timothy O'Leary,
Arizona State University
Using Data Tables, Creating Macros, and Designing Onscreen Forms
ConceptsThe following concepts will be introduced in this lab:
- Data Table: A data table is a range of cells that is used to quickly calculate multiple what-if versions in one operation and to show the results of all variations together in the worksheet.
- Macro: A macro is a stored series of keystrokes and commands that are executed automatically when the macro is run.
- Controls: Controls are graphic objects that are designed to help the user interact with the worksheet.
- Visual Basic Editor: The Visual Basic Editor is a tool used to write and edit macros attached to Excel workbooks.
- Macro Recorder: The Macro Recorder automatically creates a macro by recording a series of actions as macro commands.
- Form: A form is a formatted worksheet with blank spaces that can be filled in online or on paper.
- IF Function: The IF function checks to see if certain conditions are met and then takes action based on the results of the check.
- Comments: Comments are notes attached to cells that can be used to clarify the meaning of the cell contents, provide documentation, or ask a question.