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Windows XP
Timothy J. O'Leary, Arizona State University--Tempe
Linda I. O'Leary

Using Applications


The following concepts will be introduced in this lab:

  1. Shortcut icon: A shortcut icon is a link to a program, file, or any item accessible on your computer or network. Clicking on the icon immediately opens the associated item, making it a powerful tool for increasing efficiency.
  2. Format: Formatting adds features to the text that enhance the appearance of the document.
  3. Graphics: A graphic is a non-text object, such as a drawing or picture.
  4. Copying a Selection: Copying a selection makes a duplicate of the item and stores it in the Clipboard as an object.
  5. Pasting, Linking and Embedding: An object can be copied from one application to another as a pasted object, an embedded object, or a linked object.
