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Chapter Outline
Chapter Overview
Discussion Questions

Marketing Management, 4/e
Harper W Boyd
Orville C Walker, Jr
John W Mullins
Jean-Claude Larreche

Business Strategies Provide a Foundation for Marketing Program Decisions

Chapter Outline

I. Business Strategies and Marketing Programs at 3M

II. Marketing Challenges Addressed in Chapter 10

III. How Do Businesses Compete?
A. Generic business-level competitive strategies
B. Do the same competitive strategies work for single-business firms and start-ups?
C. Do the same competitive strategies work for service businesses?
D. Do the same competitive strategies work for global competitors?
E. Will the Internet change everything?

IV. How Do Competitive Strategies Differ from One Another?
A. Differences in scope
B. Differences in goals and objectives
C. Differences in resources and deployment
D. Differences in sources of synergy

V. Deciding When a Strategy is Appropriate: The Fit Between Business Strategies and the Environment
A. Appropriate conditions for a prospector strategy
B. Appropriate conditions for an analyzer strategy
C. Appropriate conditions for defender

VI. How Different Business Strategies Influence Marketing Decisions
A. Product policies
B. Pricing policies
C. Distribution policies
D. Promotion policies

VII. What If the Best Marketing Program for a Product Does Not Fit the Businesses’ Competitive Strategy?