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Chapter Outline
Chapter Overview
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Marketing Management, 4/e
Harper W Boyd
Orville C Walker, Jr
John W Mullins
Jean-Claude Larreche

Effective Product Decisions Deliver the Value Customers Want

Chapter Outline

I. Product Decisions in a Service Business

II. Marketing Challenges Addressed in Chapter 11

III. Product Design Decisions Deliver Competitive Advantage
A. Goods and services: Are the product decisions the same?
B. Product quality and features decisions
C. Branding decisions
D. Packaging decisions
E. Services decisions and warranties

IV. Managing Product Lines for Customer Appeal and Profit Performance
A. Line filling
B. Line stretching
C. Line extensions
D. Brand extensions
E. Dropping products
F. Product systems

V. New Product Development Process Decisions Improve Performance and Time to Market
A. The importance of new products to long-term profitability
B. New product success and failure
C. Organizing for new product development
D. Key decisions in the new product development process