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Chapter Outline
Chapter Overview
Discussion Questions

Marketing Management, 4/e
Harper W Boyd
Orville C Walker, Jr
John W Mullins
Jean-Claude Larreche

Distribution Channel Decisions Enhance Product Availability and Value

Chapter Outline

I. Changing Retail Trends Send a “Get Well” Greeting to Hallmark

II. Marketing Challenges Addressed in Chapter 13

III. Why Do Multi-firm Marketing Channels Exist?

IV. Designing Distribution Channels: What Are the Objectives to Be Accomplished?
A. Product availability
B. Meeting customers’ service requirements
C. Promotional effort
D. Market information
E. Cost-effectiveness
F. Flexibility

V. Designing Distribution Channels: What Kinds of Institutions Might Be Included?
A. Merchant Wholesalers
B. Agent Middlemen
C. Retailers
D. Nonstore Retailing

VI. Channel Design Alternatives
A. Alternative consumer goods channels
B. Alternative industrial goods channels

VII. Which Alternative Is Best? It Depends on the Firm’s Objectives and Resources
A. Availability and the satisfaction of customer service requirements
B. Promotional effort, market information, and postsale service objectives
C. Cost-effectiveness
D. Flexibility
E. Multichannel distribution

VIII. Channel Design for Global Markets
A. Market entry strategies
B. Channel alternatives

IX. Channel Design for Services

X. Channel for Management Decisions
A. Vertical marketing systems
B. Sources of channel power
C. Channel control systems
D. Trade promotions—incentives for motivating channel members
E. Channel conflicts and resolution strategies