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Chapter Outline
Chapter Overview
Discussion Questions

Marketing Management, 4/e
Harper W Boyd
Orville C Walker, Jr
John W Mullins
Jean-Claude Larreche

Marketing Strategies for the New Economy

Chapter Outline

I. When Something Clicks: An Old-Economy Camera Retailer Gets Web-Savvy
A. Transforming the business
B. Growing the business

II. Marketing Challenges Addressed in Chapter 16

III. Does Every Company Need a New-Economy Strategy?

IV. Threats or Opportunities? The Inherent Advantages and Disadvantages of the New Economy for Marketers
A. The syndication of information
B. Increasing returns to scale of network products
C. The ability to efficiently personalize and customize market offerings
D. Disintermediation and restructuring of distribution channels
E. Global reach, 24 x 7 access, and instantaneous delivery
F. Are these new-economy attributes opportunities or threats?
G. First-mover advantage: facto or fiction?

V. Developing a New-Economy Strategy: A Decision Framework
A. Marketing applications for new-economy tools
B. Developing new-economy marketing
C. Strategies: The critical questions

VI. Developing Strategies to Serve New-Economy Markets
A. What lessons can we learn from the crash?
B. What are the key success factors in serving the markets of tomorrow?