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Chapter Outline
Chapter Overview
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Marketing Management, 4/e
Harper W Boyd
Orville C Walker, Jr
John W Mullins
Jean-Claude Larreche

Organizing and Planning for Effective Implementation

Chapter Outline

I. Hewlett-Packard—Reorganizing to Implement a New Strategy
A. The Internet changed the firm’s market environment
B. Reorganizing to implement a new strategy

II. Marketing Challenges Addressed in Chapter 19

III. Designing Appropriate Administrative Relationships for the Implementation of Different Competitive Strategies
A. Business-unit autonomy
B. Shared programs and facilities
C. Evaluation and reward systems

IV. Designing Appropriate Organizational Structures and Processes for Implementing Different Strategies
A. Functional competencies and resource allocation
B. Additional considerations for service organizations
C. Organizational structures
D. Recent trends in organizational design
E. Organizational adjustments as firms grow and markets change
F. Organizational designs for selling in global markets

V. Marketing Plans: The Foundation for Implementing Marketing Actions
A. The situational analysis
B. Key issues
C. Objectives
D. Marketing strategy
E. Action plans
F. Projected profit-and-loss statement
G. Contingency plans