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Chapter Outline
Chapter Overview
Discussion Questions

Marketing Management, 4/e
Harper W Boyd
Orville C Walker, Jr
John W Mullins
Jean-Claude Larreche

Understanding Consumer Buying Behavior Provides the foundation for Marketing Decisions

Chapter Outline

I. Cruise Ships—Not Just for Grandma and Grandpa Anymore
A. Savvy marketing helped fuel industry
B. Growth future challenges

II. Marketing Challenges Addressed in Chapter 5

III. The Psychological Importance of the Purchase Affects the Decision-Making Process
A. How do customers make high-involvement purchase decisions?
B. Low-involvement purchase decisions
C. Understanding the target consumer’s level of involvement enables better marketing decisions

IV. Why People Buy Different Things—The Marketing Implications of Psychological and Personal Influences
A. Perception and memory
B. Needs and attitudes
C. Demographics and lifestyle

V. Why People Buy Different Things: Part 2—The Marketing Implications of Social Influences
A. Culture
B. Social class
C. Reference groups
D. The family