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Chapter Outline
Chapter Overview
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Marketing Management, 4/e
Harper W Boyd
Orville C Walker, Jr
John W Mullins
Jean-Claude Larreche

Market Segmentation and Target Marketing: Clear Market focus leads to Marketing Breakthroughs

Chapter Outline

I. Blue Ribbon Sports Targets Distance Runners
A. The unique needs of distance runners
B. The waffle revolution
C. Launching and expanding the Nike brand

II. Marketing Challenges Addressed in Chapter 8

III. Why Do Market Segmentation and Target Marketing Make Sense
A. Most markets are heterogeneous
B. Today’s market realities often make segmentation imperative

IV. How Are Market Segments Best Defined?
A. Demographic descriptors
B. Geographic descriptors
C. Geodemographic descriptors
D. Behavioral descriptors
E. Global market segmentation
F. Innovative segmentation: A key to marketing breakthroughs

V. Choosing Attractive Market Segments: A Five-Step Process
A. Step 1: Select market-attractiveness and competitive-position factors
B. Step 2: Weigh each factor
C. Step 3: Rate segments on each factor, plot results on matrices
D. Step 4: Project future position for each segment
E. Step 5: Choose segmentation to target, allocate resources

VI. Different Targeting Strategies Suit Different Opportunities
A. Niche-marketing strategy
B. Mass-market strategy
C. Growth-market strategy

VII. Selecting Target Markets in the International Arena