Financial Accounting
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Table of Contents

Financial Accounting, 4/e

Robert Libby
Patricia Libby
Daniel Short

ISBN: 0072473509
Copyright year: 2004

Table of Contents

Chapter One - Financial Statements and Business Decisions

Maxidrive Corporation

Understanding the Business

The Four Basic Financial Statements: An Overview

The Balance Sheet

Financial Analysis: Interpreting Assets, Liabilities, and Stockholders' Equity on the Balance Sheet

Self-Study Quiz

The Income Statement

Financial Analysis: Analyzing the Income Statement: Beyond the Bottom Line

Self-Study Quiz

Statement of Retained Earnings

Financial Analysis: Interpreting Retained Earnings

Statement of Cash Flows

Financial Analysis: Interpreting the Cash Flow Statement

Self-Study Quiz

Relationship among the Statements


Financial Analysis: Management Uses of Financial Statements

Using Financial Statements to Determine Maxidrive's Value

Correcting Maxidrive's Income Statement

Determining the Purchase Price for Maxidrive

Responsibilities for the Accounting Communication Process

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

International Perspective: Are Generally Accepted Accounting PrinciplesSimilar in Other Countries?

Management Responsibility and the Demand for Auditing

Ethics, Reputation, and Legal Liability


Demonstration Case

Chapter Supplement A: Types of Business Entities

Chapter Supplement B: Employment in the Accounting Profession Today

Chapter Take-Aways

Key Ratio

Finding Financial Information

Key Terms


Multiple Choice




Alternate Problems

Cases and Projects

Chapter Two - Investing and Financing Decisions and the Balance Sheet

Papa John's International

Understanding the Business

Overview of the Conceptual Framework

Concepts Emphasized in Chapter 2

Elements of the Balance Sheet

A Question of Ethics: Environmental Liabilities

Key Ratio Analysis: The Financial Leverage Ratio

Self-Study Quiz

Financial Analysis: Unrecorded but Valuable Assets

What Business Activities Cause Changes in Financial Statement Amounts?

Nature of Business Transactions


Self-Study Quiz

International Perspective: Understanding the Meaning of Account Titles in Foreign Financial Statements

How Do Transactions Affect Accounts?

Principles of Transaction Analysis

Analyzing Papa John's Transactions

Self-Study Quiz

How Do Companies Keep Track of Account Balances?

The Direction of Transaction Effects

Analytical Tool: The Journal Entry

Analytical Tool: The T-Account

Transaction Analysis Illustrated

Self-Study Quiz

Financial Analysis: Inferring Business Activities from T-Accounts

How Is the Balance Sheet Prepared?

Focus on Cash Flows: Investing and Financing Activities

Self-Study Quiz

Demonstration Case

Chapter Take-Aways

Key Ratio

Finding Financial Information

Key Terms


Multiple Choice




Alternate Problems

Cases and Projects

Chapter Three - Operating Decisions and the Income Statement

Papa John's International

Understanding the Business

How Do Business Activities Affect the Income Statement?

Operating Cycle

Elements on the Income Statement

Key Ratio Analysis: The Total Asset Turnover Ratio

How Are Operating Activities Measured?

Accrual Accounting

Self-Study Quiz

A Question of Ethics: Management's Incentives to Violate the Revenue Principle

Self-Study Quiz

Expanded Transaction Analysis Model

Transaction Analysis Rules

Financial Analysis: Feedback Value of Accounting Information and Stock Market Reaction

Analyzing Papa John's Transactions

Self-Study Quiz

How Are Unadjusted Financial Statements Prepared?

Unadjusted Income Statement

Financial Analysis: Reporting Financial Information by Geographic and Operating Segments

Unadjusted Statement of Retained Earnings

Unadjusted Balance Sheet

Focus on Cash Flows: Operating Activities

Self-Study Quiz

Demonstration Case

Chapter Take-Aways

Key Ratio

Finding Financial Information

Key Terms


Multiple Choice




Alternate Problems

Cases and Projects

Chapter Four - Adjustments, Financial Statements, and the Quality of Earnings

Papa John's International

Understanding the Business

Adjusting Revenues and Expenses

Accounting Cycle

Unadjusted Trial Balance

Analysis of Adjusting Entries

Self-Study Quiz

Papa John's Illustration

Self-Study Quiz

Financial Analysis: Adjustments and Audits

A Question of Ethics: Adjustments and Incentives

Preparing Financial Statements

Focus on Cash Flows: Disclosure

Financial Analysis: Cash Flows from Operations, Net Income, and the Quality of Earninges

Key Ratio Analysis: Net Profit Margin Ratio

Closing the Books

End of the Accounting Cycle

Post-Closing Trial Balance

Financial Analysis: Accruals and Deferrals: Judging Earnings Quality

Demonstration Case

Chapter Take-Aways

Key Ratio

Finding Financial Information

Key Terms


Multiple Choice




Alternate Problems

Cases and Projects

Chapter Five - Communicating and Interpreting Accounting Information

Callaway Golf

Understanding the Business

Players in the Accounting Communication Process

Managers (CEO, CFO, and Accounting Staff)


Information Intermediaries: Analysts and Information Services

Financial Analysis: Information Services: Uses in Marketing, Classwork, and Job Searches

Government Regulators

Users: Institutional and Private Investors, Creditors, and Others

A Question of Ethics: Conflicting Interests of Managers, Stockholders, and Creditors

Guiding Principles for Communicating Useful Information

Self-Study Quiz

The Disclosure Process

Press Releases

Annual Reports

Quarterly Reports

SEC Reports--10-K, 10-Q, 8-K

International Perspective: Judging International Sales Strategy from the Form 10-K

A Closer Look at Financial Statement Formats and Notes

Classified Balance Sheet

Financial Analysis: Balance Sheet Ratios and Debt Contracts

Classified Income Statement

Financial Analysis: Accounting-Based Executive Bonuses

Self-Study Quiz

Statement of Stockholders' Equity

Statement of Cash Flows

Focus on Cash Flows: Operating Activities (Indirect Method)

Notes to Financial Statements

Financial Analysis: Alternative Accounting Methods and GAAP

Voluntary Disclosures

Constraints of Accounting Measurement

Return on Equity Analysis: A Framework for Evaluating Company Performance

Key Ratio Analysis: Return on Equity

ROE Profit Driver Analysis

Profit Drivers and Business Strategy

Self-Study Quiz


Demonstration Case

Chapter Supplement: Nonrecurring Items

Chapter Take-Aways

Key Ratios

Finding Financial Information

Key Terms


Multiple Choice




Alternate Problems

Cases and Projects

Chapter Six - Reporting and Interpreting Sales Revenue, Receivables, and Cash

The Timberland Company

Understanding the Business

Accounting for Sales Revenue

Credit Card Sales to Consumers

Sales Discounts to Businesses

Financial Analysis: To Take or Not to Take the Discount, That Is the Question

Sales Returns and Allowances

Reporting Net Sales

Key Ratio Analysis: Gross Profit Percentage

Self-Study Quiz

Measuring and Reporting Receivables

Classifying Receivables

International Perspective: Foreign Currency Receivables

Accounting for Bad Debts

Reporting Accounts Receivable and Bad Debts

Estimating Bad Debts

Control over Accounts Receivable

Key Ratio Analysis: Receivables Turnover

Focus on Cash Flows: Accounts Receivable

Self-Study Quiz

Reporting and Safeguarding Cash

Cash and Cash Equivalents Defined

Cash Management

Internal Control of Cash

A Question of Ethics: Ethics and the Need for Internal Control

Reconciliation of the Cash Accounts and the Bank Statements

Self-Study Quiz


Demonstration Case A

Demonstration Case B

Chapter Supplement A: Recording Discounts and Returns

Chapter Supplement B: Applying the Revenue Principle in Special Circumstances

Chapter Take-Aways

Key Ratios

Finding Financial Information

Key Terms


Multiple Choice




Alternate Problems

Cases and Projects

Chapter Seven - Reporting and Interpreting Cost of Goods Sold and Inventory

Harley-Davidson, Inc.

Understanding the Business

Nature of Inventory and Cost of Goods Sold

Items Included in Inventory

Financial Analysis: Applying the Materiality Constraint in Practice

Flow of Inventory Costs

Financial Analysis: Modern Manufacturing Techniques and Inventory Costs

Nature of Cost of Goods Sold

Self-Study Quiz

Inventory Costing Methods

Specific Identification Method

Cash Flow Assumptions

Financial Statement Effects of Inventory Methods

Managers' Choice of Inventory Methods

A Question of Ethics: LIFO and Conflicts between Managers' and Owner's Interests

Self-Study Quiz

Inventory Methods and Financial Statement Analysis

International Perspective: LIFO and International Comparisons

Self-Study Quiz

Valuation at Lower of Cost or Market

Evaluating Inventory Management

Measuring Efficiency in Inventory

Key Ratio Analysis: Inventory Turnover

Financial Analysis: LIFO and Inventory Turnover Ratio

Inventory and Cash Flows

Focus on Cash Flows: Inventory

Self-Study Quiz

Control of Inventory

Errors in Measuring Ending Income

Perpetual and Periodic Inventory Systems

Self-Study Quiz

Demonstration Case

Chapter Supplement A: LIFO Liquidations

Financial Analysis: Inventory Management and LIFO Liquidations

Chapter Supplement B: Additional Issues in Measuring Purchases

Chapter Take-Aways

Key Ratio

Finding Financial Information

Key Terms


Multiple Choice




Alternate Problems

Cases and Projects

Chapter Eight - Reporting and Interpreting Property, Plan, and Equipment: Natural Resources and Intangibles

Delta Airlines

Understanding the Business

Acquisition and Maintenance of Property, Plant, and Equipment

Classifying Long-Lived Assets

Key Ratio Analysis: Fixed Asset Turnover

Measuring and Recording Acquisition Cost

Self-Study Quiz

Repairs, Maintenance, and Additions

Self-Study Quiz

Use, Impairment, and Disposal of Plant and Equipment

Depreciation Concepts

Financial Analysis: Book Value as an Approximation of Remaining Life

Financial Analysis: Differences in Estimated Lives within a Single Industry

Alternative Depreciation Methods

Financial Analysis: Impact of Alternative Depreciation Methods

Self-Study Quiz

Financial Analysis: Increased Profitability Due to an Accounting Adjustment? Reading the Notes

How Managers Choose

International Perspective: Depreciation Methods in Other Countries

Measuring Asset Impairment

A Question of Ethics: Fierce Pressure to Report Smooth, Ever-Higher Earnings

Disposal of Plant and Equipment < [There was a query about this head]

Self-Study Quiz

Financial Analysis: Taking a Different Strategy to Success

Natural Resources and Intangible Assets

Acquisition and Depletion of Natural Resources

Acquisition and Amortization of Intangible Assets

Focus on Cash Flows: Productive Assets and Depreciation

Financial Analysis: A Misinterpretation

Demonstration Case

Chapter Supplement A: Changes in Depreciation Estimates

Self-Study Quiz

Chapter Take-Aways

Key Ratio

Finding Financial Information

Key Terms


Multiple Choice




Alternate Problems

Cases and Projects

Chapter Nine - Reporting and Interpreting Liabilities

General Mills

Understanding the Business

Liabilities Defined and Classified

Key Ratio Analysis: Current Ratio

Current Liabilities

Accounts Payable

Key Ratio Analysis: Accounts Payable Turnover Ratio

Accrued Liabilities

Notes Payable

Current Portion of Long-Term Debt

Financial Analysis: Refinanced Debt: Current or Noncurrent?

Deferred Revenues

Estimated Liabilities Reported on the Balance Sheet

Estimated Liabilities Reported in the Notes

Working Capital Management

Focus on Cash Flows: Working Capital and Cash Flows

Self-Study Quiz

Long-Term Liabilities

Long-Term Notes Payable and Bonds

International Perspective: Borrowing in Foreign Currencies

Lease Liabilities

Present and Future Value Concepts

Future and Present Values of a Single Amount

Self-Study Quiz

Future and Present Values of an Annuity

A Question of Ethics: Truth in Advertising

Accounting Appoications of Future and Present Values

Demonstration Case

Chapter Supplement A: Income Taxes and Retirement Benefits

Chapter Supplement B: Federal Income Tax Concepts

Chapter Take-Aways

Key Ratio

Finding Financial Information

Key Terms


Multiple Choice




Alternate Problems

Cases and Projects

Chapter Ten - Reporting and Interpreting Bonds

Harrah's, Inc.

Understanding the Business

Characteristics of Bonds Payable

Key Ratio Analysis: Debt-to-Equity

Reporting Bond Transactions

Financial Analysis: Bond Information from the Business Press

Self-Study Quiz

Bonds Issued at Par

Key Ratio Analysis: Times Interest Earned

Bonds Issued at a Discount

Bonds Issued at a Premium

Additional Topics

Effective-Interest Amortization

Financial Analysis: Understanding Alternative Amortization Methods

Early Retirement of Debt

Self-Study Quiz

Focus on Cash Flows: Bonds Payable

Demonstration Case

Chapter Take-Aways

Key Ratio

Finding Financial Information

Key Terms


Multiple Choice




Alternate Problems

Cases and Projects

Chapter 11 - Reporting and Interpreting Owners' Equity

Outback Steakhouse

Understanding the Business

Ownership of a Corporation

Authorized, Issued, and Outstanding Shares

Key Ratio Analysis: Earnings per Share (EPS)

Common Stock Transactions

Initial Sale of Stock

Sale of Stock in Secondary Markets

Stock Issued for Noncash Assets or Services

Stock Issued for Employee Compensation

Repurchase of Stock

Self-Study Quiz

Dividends on Common Stock

Key Ratio Analysis: Dividend Yield

Financial Analysis: Impact of Dividends on Stock Price

Self-Study Quiz

Stock Dividends and Stock Splits

Stock Dividends

Stock Splits

Self-Study Quiz

Preferred Stock

Dividends on Preferred Stock

Financial Analysis: Impact of Dividends in Arrears

Restrictions on Retained Earnings

Focus on Cash Flows: Financing Activities

Demonstration Case

Chapter Supplement A: Accounting for Owners' Equity for Sole Proprietorships and Partnerships

Chapter Take-Aways

Key Ratios

Finding Financial Information

Key Terms


Multiple Choice




Alternate Problems

Cases and Projects

Chapter 12 - Reporting and Interpreting Investments in Other Corporations

Dow Jones and Co., Inc.

Understanding the Business

Types of Investments and Accounting Methods

Passive Investments in Debt

Passive Investments in Stock

Investments in Stock for Significant Influence

Investments in Stock for Control

Debt Held to Maturity: Amortized Cost Method

Bond Purchases

Interest Earned

Principal at Maturity

Passive Stock Investments: The Market Value Method

Classifying Passive Stock Investments

Securities Available for Sale

Comparing Trading Available-for-Sale Securities

Financial Analysis: Equity Securities and Earnings Management

Self-Study Quiz

Investments for Significant Influence: Equity Method

Recording Investments under the Equity Method

Reporting Investments under the Equity Method

A Question of Ethics: Improper Influence

Self-Study Quiz

Financial Analysis: Selecting Accounting Methods for Minority Investments

Focus on Cash Flows: Investments

Controlling Interests: Mergers and Acquisitions

What Are Consolidated Statements?

Recording a Merger

Reporting a Merger

Financial Analysis: Accounting for Goodwill

Key Ratio Analysis: Return on Assets (ROA)

Self-Study Quiz

Demonstration Case A

Demonstration Case B

Demonstration Case C

Demonstration Case D

Chapter Supplement A: Preparing Consolidated Statements

Demonstration Case E

Chapter Take-Aways

Key Ratio

Finding Financial Information

Key Terms


Multiple Choice




Alternate Problems

Cases and Projects

Chapter Thirteen - Statement of Cash Flows

Boston Beer Company

Understanding the Business

Classifications of the Statement of Cash Flows

Cash Flows from Operating Activities

Cash Flows from Investing Activities

Cash Flows from Financing Activities

Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash

Self-Study Quiz

Relationships to the Balance Sheet and Income Statement

Reporting and Interpreting Cash Flows from Operating Activities

Part A: Reporting Cash Flows from Operating Activities--Indirect Method

International Perspective: Foreign Currency and the Cash Flow Statement

Foreign Currency and the Cash Flow Statement

Self-Study Quiz

Part B: Reporting Cash Flows from Operating Activities--Direct Method

International Perspective: Australian Practices

Self-Study Quiz

Interpreting Cash Flow from Operations

Key Ratio Analysis:Quality of Income Ratio

A Question of Ethics: Fraud and Cash Flows from Operations

Reporting and Interpreting Cash Flows from Investing Activities

Reporting Cash Flows from Investing Activities

Interpreting Cash Flow from Investing Activities

Key Ratio Analysis: Capital Acquisitions Ratio

Financial Analysis: Free Cash Flow

Reporting and Interpreting Cash Flows from Financing Activities

Reporting Cash Flows from Financing Activities

Interpreting Cash Flow from Financing Activities

Self-Study Quiz

Additional Cash Flow Disclosures

Noncash Investing and Financing Activities

Supplemental Cash Flow Information


Demonstration Case

Chapter Supplement A: Adjustment and Gains and Losses

Chapter Supplement B: Spreadheet Approach--Statement of Cash Flows: Indirect Method

Chapter Take-Aways

Key Ratios

Finding Financial Information

Key Terms


Multiple Choice




Alternate Problems

Cases and Projects

Chapter Fourteen - Analyzing Financial Statements

Home Depot

Understanding the Business

The Investment Decision

Understanding a Company's Strategy

Financial Statement Analysis

Ratio and Percentage Analysis

Component Percentages

Tests of Profitability

1. Return on Equity (ROE)

2. Return on Assets (ROA)

3. Financial Leverage Percentage

4. Earnings per Share (EPS)

5. Quality of Income

6. Profit Margin

7. Fixed Asset Turnover Ratio

Self-Study Quiz

Tests of Liquidity

8.Cash Ratio

9.Current Ratio

10. Quick Ratio (Acid Test)

11. Receivable Turnover

12. Inventory Turnover

Self-Study Quiz

Tests of Solvency

13. Times Interest Earned Ratio

14. Cash Coverage Ratio

15. Debt-to-Equity Ratio

Market Tests

16. Price/Earnings (P/E) Ratio

17. Dividend Yield

Self-Study Quiz

Interpreting Ratios and Other Analytical Considerations

Other Financial Information

A Question of Ethics: Insider Information

Information in an Efficient Market

Chapter Take-Aways

Finding Financial Information

Key Terms


Multiple Choice




Alternate Problems

Cases and Projects

Appendix A: Present and Future Value Tables

Appendix B: American Eagle Outfitters Annual Report

Appendix C: Abercrombie and Fitch Annual Report

Appendix D: Industry Ratio Report


Illustration Credits


Financial Accounting

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