Set your latitude to 90°. Set the field to 45° and scroll to azimuth 0°, altitude 20°. Set the display so that it locks on altitude and azimuth. Set the step size to 1 minute and start the animation. Observe how the stars move relative to the horizon. Compare what you see to Figure 2.7. Scroll upward to altitude 90° and restart the animation. Observe how the stars move and compare what you see with Figure 2.7. Change your geographic location to 0°, the equator. Scroll to altitude 20°, azimuth 0°. This shows you a view of the northern horizon. Start the animation and observe how the stars move. Compare what you see with Figure 2.8. Scroll to azimuth 90°. Restart the animation. Observe how the stars move as they rise, particularly the angle the tracks of the stars make with respect to the horizon. Compare what you see to what you would expect to see where you live.
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