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The theorist associated with cultural studies is
A)Stuart Hall.
B)Kenneth Burke.
C)George Gerbner.
D)Roland Barthes.

Hall's approach to scholarship is different from others' in the interpretive camp in that
A)he believes there is only one truth.
B)his goal is to accurately interpret power shifts.
C)he desires to change the world.
D)none of the above

Hall believes that the main function of mass media is to
A)transmit news and political events from around the world.
B)encourage national unity.
C)maintain the dominance of those already in power.
D)provide entertainment.

Hall talks about the myth of democratic pluralism, which means
A)that society is held together by common norms like equal opportunity.
B)that society respects many other forms of government besides democracy.
C)that certain issues are more important to society than others.
D)all of the above

Hall blames the media for many of society's problems because
A)it is becoming more sexualized.
B)it is a type of terrain where meaning is shaped and distributed.
C)it fails to promote capitalism adequately.
D)a and b

More than any other theorist Hall takes his cues from the ideas of
A)Roland Barthes.
C)Ferdinand de Saussere.
D)Karl Marx.

Hall believes that media hegemony comes from the media's role of producing consent instead of
A)producing informed citizens.
B)providing entertainment.
C)building bonds between people and government.
D)reflecting consensus.

Hall argues that the primary function of discourse is to
A)persuade other people.
B)make meaning.
C)create diverse viewpoints.
D)encourage free thinking.

Hall wants to move communication studies in what direction?
A)Deeper into a study of feminism and afrocentrism.
B)Deeper into the ways media representations of culture reproduce social inequities.
C)Back into a study of traditional public speaking.
D)none of the above

In Hall's view, the problem with larger and larger corporate mergers is that
A)individual subscription costs will increase.
B)some people will get richer while others won't.
C)some stories will not be told because of the focus of larger companies.
D)all of the above

Kellner suggests that the media's coverage of smart bombs being dropped had what effect on the American public?
A)It helped them see how powerful the military is.
B)It helped them appreciate the precision of modern warfare.
C)It suppressed the real purpose of the weapon - to destroy things.
D)none of the above

Hall argues that the media commodifies whatever it presents. This means that
A)the media shows how a crisis impacts all of us.
B)the media turns it into an economic opportunity.
C)it empowers some people while disempowering others.
D)all of the above

Following the incidents of September 11, President Bush created an equation that Hall finds disturbing. What things are pitted together in this phrase?
A)Buying cars can help fight terrorism.
B)Non white populations should be searched before getting on public transportation.
C)Supporting military spending is the way to defeat terrorism.
D)none of the above

Which of the following options does Hall suggest will help the powerless resist the dominant ideology?
A)Operating inside the dominant code.
B)Applying a negotiable code.
C)Substituting an oppositional code.
D)All of the above.

The biggest problem with Hall's ideological approach to media criticism is
A)his focus on Marxism.
B)his own cultural background.
C)that no standard of truth exists making all conclusions weigh the same.
D)none of the above

Cultural studies is primarily concerned with power relationships in society.

Hall's goal is to empower people who are currently on the margins of society.

Cultural studies is heavily influenced by Aristotle.

Hall argues that the mass media have a hegemonic affect on culture meaning that they tend to support already accepted interpretations of reality.

Hall believes that the main function of discourse is to generate power in society.

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