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Checklist for Teachers - Models for Classroom Management and Discipline
Provides helpful tips for discipline in the classroom.
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TITEN Classroom Management & Discipline
Covers a wide range of classroom management and discipline techniques.
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ASCD - Educational Leadership for K-12 Teaching and Learning
Introduces the reader to this organization, several current issues in education, on-going activities of the ASCD, and of course, Educational Leadership --the internationally recognized education journal and flagship publication of ASCD.
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Beginning Teacher's Tool Box
Helps new teachers connect with jobs, teaching tips, message boards, other teachers, professional development opportunities, and a variety of resources they need.
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Phi Delta Kappan
The professional journal for education lists selected notes and newsworthy articles.
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American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education
American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education site includes a strong foundation for educational programs, special interest projects, job vacancies and interesting links.
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Teachers helping Teachers
This is a free, nonprofit service. Material on this service is updated weekly during the school year including book reviews and project ideas.
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AERA America Educational Research Association
In French, Spanish and English, and with selected video of conference presentations, the AERA site services a broad membership.
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Education Policy Analysis Journal
This site maintains and archives more than 350,000 relevant articles on education policy.
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Bouncing from a History and Social Studies K-12 website, this section includes many specific topics within the broad context of diversity. You will find a research issue of the week and chat rooms for various communities and interests.
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National MultiCultural Institute
NMCI's mission is to increase communication, understanding and respect among people of different racial, ethnic and cultural backgrounds, and to provide a forum for discussion of the critical issues of multiculturalism facing our society.
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Cultural Diversity and Early Education
On-Line text describes the cultural context of learning and the importance of acknowledging students' cultural heritage and diverse learning styles. Culturally diverse instructional techniques and curriculum are also offered..
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Teachers, Schools, and SocietyOnline Learning Center

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