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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Philip Jackson found that school classrooms typically featured
A)passive teachers and active students.
B)passive teachers and students.
C)active teachers and passive students.
D)active teachers and students.

According to John Goodlad's study of schools, about how much time in schools is devoted to instruction?
A)75 percent
B)80 percent
C)90 percent
D)95 percent

After instruction, what activity consumes the most school time?
A)social activities
B)behavior management
D)library and computer lab visits

As "gatekeepers," what do teachers do?
A)control who enters and leaves the classroom
B)determine who will talk, when, and for how long
C)control who is assigned to which track or ability group
D)keep accurate records of student progress

When low-ability students are grouped together, research finds that
A)there are fewer classroom management problems.
B)students talk more about social rather than academic matters.
C)teachers hold lower expectations but offer more constructive comments.
D)all of the above.

Which of the following best defines tracking?
A)monitoring student location in schools using checkpoints and sophisticated ID technology
B)monitoring student progress on tests, homework, and classroom participation
C)grouping students in class by ability, for instance in "honors" or remedial groups
D)assigning students to different programs of study based on ability

What is the "unremarked revolution" discussed in the text?
A)the resurgence of interest in teaching values to our elementary schoolchildren
B)the rapid transition from traditional ability grouping to tracking
C)the fall in the number of schools with formal tracking policies
D)the swift adoption of effective school reform nationwide

Jeannie Oakes's work, Keeping Track
A)argued in favor of tracking policies in urban school districts.
B)found that over the last three decades, tracking policies have become more common.
C)determined that homogenous classes are superior to heterogeneous classes in instructional quality.
D)found that race, more than ability, determined student placement in tracks.

Raphaela Best studied elementary schoolchildren and found
A)in the first grade, children look to teachers and the principal for security.
B)by third grade, girls abandon their role as "teacher's helper" and openly challenge teacher authority.
C)teachers consistently separated boys and girls despite their interest in working together.
D)there is more cross-sex than cross-race communication in elementary school.

In his study of life in high school, James Coleman found that
A)students were preoccupied with academic and vocational goals.
B)because students have little material reward to dispense, they focus on status.
C)students ranked "sports" as their favorite aspect of school.
D)most adolescents are remarkably ill at ease socially and terrified of appearing awkward.

Which of the following terms is NOT associated with students' affective needs?
A)norm-referenced tests
B)Turning Points: Preparing American Youth for the Twenty-First Century
C)Frances Ianni's youth charter network
D)creating "learning communities"

What was the message of the Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development's report, Turning Points: Preparing American Youth for the Twenty-First Century?
A)Tracking was both socially and academically harmful to our youth.
B)Declining academic standards were putting youth at risk.
C)Our schools were spending too much time building students' "self-esteem."
D)Millions of young adolescents were in serious jeopardy.

Pygmalion in the Classroom was the title of
A)Philip Jackson's review of teacher/student interaction.
B)John Goodlad's study of how time is spent in schools.
C)Rosenthal and Jacobson's study of teacher expectations.
D)Fordham and Ogbu's study of the anti-achievement climate.

Researchers studying schools initially identified five relevant factors linked to school effectiveness. Which of the following is NOT part of the five-factor theory of effective schools?
A)School leaders articulate a clear school mission.
B)Student progress is carefully monitored.
C)School personnel hold high expectations for students.
D)Principals delegate instructional improvement to teachers.

Recent research on factors shaping effective schools reveals that
A)for every $1 invested in technology, schools save $6 on remedial instruction.
B)students in small schools learn more and are less prone to resort to violence.
C)surprisingly, investments in teacher training show little effect on student achievement.
D)students in large classes perform as well as students in smaller classes, at least when a teacher's aide is present.

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