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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Those unplanned but highly meaningful learning experiences that occur as by-products of school participation are called the
A)academic curriculum.
C)hidden curriculum.
D)humanistic curriculum.

In the 1990s, about what proportion of high school seniors participated in extracurricular activities?
A)almost 100 percent participated in at least one, and often several, of these activities
B)just over 80 percent
C)fewer than half
D)extracurricular activities were dominated by the "innies," the most popular students, the group called the "top tenth"

Which type of U.S. school initiated vocational education?
A)Latin grammar school
B)English grammar school
D)junior high school

The National Defense Education Act provided
A)funds for science, mathematics, foreign languages, and guidance.
B)federal funds to develop Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) programs.
C)for the establishment of common schools.
D)none of the above.

Jerome Bruner
A)is most noted for his work to establish junior high schools in the U.S.
B)wrote The Process of Education and advocated the discovery method.
C)was one of the most famous of the "Romantic critics."
D)championed the "core curriculum" and argued against most electives.

"Open classrooms" and interest centers were innovations of the
A)1920s and 1930s.
B)1940s and 1950s.
C)1960s and 1970s.
D)1980s and 1990s.

The person who brought cultural literacy to the nation's attention was
A)E. D. Hirsch Jr.
B)Ernest Boyer.
C)Hilda Taba.
D)Theodore Sizer.

In her work teaching children of color in inner-city Philadelphia, Lisa Delpit
A)rejected the traditional methodology (diagramming sentences, studying grammar) and taught her students to care more about authentic learning than performance on standardized tests.
B)succeeded where others had failed by using the whole-language teaching approach to make her students proficient in traditional language skills.
C)accumulated experiences she later drew on in writing Other People's Children, a clarion call for a back-to-basics curriculum.
D)saw that children fluent only in their own language—Ebonics, or street talk—could be rendered powerless in the language of the mainstream.

In the past century, the canon has become
A)increasingly Eurocentric.
B)increasingly American.
C)largely irrelevant as teachers elect to teach more contemporary, unknown works by authors of all cultures.
D)controlled by the National Council of Teachers of English, revised every 10 years.

Which disciplines have recently released standards that best demonstrate Bruner's idea of a "spiral curriculum?"
A)science and mathematics
B)foreign languages and language arts
C)history and economics
D)health and physical education

At the high school level, the social studies curriculum
A)concentrates largely on world history and politics.
B)employs an expanding curriculum moving from self and family to community.
C)focuses on European history to the detriment of students' knowledge of U.S. history and government.
D)focuses on U.S. history and government, but also offers a wide array of electives.

In 2000, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics called for
A)reinstating tracking of students into high, medium, and low ability groups.
B)toughening requirements for advancing from one math class to the next.
C)revamping the math curriculum to eliminate overlap from one grade level to the next.
D)eliminating tracking and ability grouping.

What did the Perkins Act accomplish?
A)targeted federal funds for school districts with the highest proportion of students going on to 4-year colleges or universities
B)promoted multiethnic and nonviolent curricula in response to an upsurge in hate crimes
C)helped shift vocational education away from the traditional job-skills orientation to a broader program better integrated with academic instruction
D)offered financial incentives in the form of high-tech equipment to inner-city districts demonstrating improvement on high-stakes tests

Given the tremendous knowledge explosion, some educators are pushing for
A)more offerings in the vocational track.
B)greater focus on life-adjustment courses.
C)a service requirement needed for graduation.
D)increased attention to teaching thinking skills.

Metacognition is the
A)awareness and monitoring of one's attitudes and attention while learning.
B)application of analytic tools to society at large.
C)umbrella term for such skills as comparing, observing, and summarizing.
D)curricular pendulum when it swings toward a "back-to-basics" approach.

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