A chapter devoted to Research Methods has been added to reinforce the scientific emphasis of the text.
The Self has been introduced as a running theme to give students a context for exploring theories and applications. This will also help students see the relationship between all of the sub-topics in social psychology.
The Big Picture Each chapter ends with a "big picture" summary of how the chapter material helps us understand how the self interacts in the social world.
Evolution vs. Sociocultural discussions highlight a debate between these two camps to introduce current controversies and help students develop critical thinking skills. These are great in-class discussion topics that demonstrate that these two perspectives often share common ground.
New! PowerWeb is a unique online tool that provides students with current articles, curriculum-based materials, weekly updates with assessment, informative and timely world news, refereed Web links, research tools, student study tools and interactive exercises. Access card is packaged for free with each copy of the text.
Student CD-ROM features video clips with the researchers who shaped social psychology surrounded by pedagogy to reinforce the concepts the researchers discuss. This CD also includes quizzes to help students master the key concepts from each chapter.
Careers in Social Psychology appendix shows students the range of careers available to a social psychology major.
Proven Features:
Featured Study, written in the general format and style of a journal article, summarizes the purpose, method, and results of a recently published scientific article, which is relevant to the material covered in the applications section.
"Critical Thinking" sidebars throughout each chapter, located in the margins and designed to help students better understand the material, tie together information in different parts of the text, and apply their knowledge to real-life situations. Possible answers are provided at the end of the text.
Extensive coverage of cross-cultural, multicultural, gender and sexual diversity. Cross-cultural analysis is fully integrated into each chapter through the examination of people from different countries around the globe and different ethnic groups within our own culture. Gender discussion is also fully integrated within the text as a whole rather than being a stand-alone chapter and sexual orientation is given full consideration as an important topic of discussion.
Self-report questionnaires in the chapters asking readers to consider how the specific text material relates to their own lives Exposes students to some of the actual questionnaires used by researchers in their studies, and this exposure will not only aid learning of text material, but it will also provide self-insight
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