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Internet Exercises
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  1. Reflect on how the events of Sept. 11, 2001 have affected you, your view of yourself, and your view of other people. What concerns are commonly expressed by people and how can they deal with these?
    This article from the American Psychological Association's Monitor on Psychology discusses findings from focus groups conducted after Sept. 11 that find that these tragic events opened "a window of self-discovery" for people who are eager to learn more about themselves and how to be resilient in the face of uncertainty.
    The U.S. Dept. of Justice Office for Victims of Crime published this Handbook for Coping After Terrorism to aid people in dealing with their reaction to the Sept. 11 attacks.

  2. What are some of the major contributions that Kurt Lewin made to theory and research in social psychology?
    PsychWeb's biography of Lewin highlights his many contributions to social psychology.
    The Kurt Lewin Institute carries on research emphasizing both basic science and practical applications as emphasized by Lewin.

  3. What are the various facets of the self that are of interest to philosophers and social scientists?
    You can get lost exploring the bibliographies and on-line text listings of articles and other resources relating to various fields relating to the study of the self provided by Shaun Gallagher's Research Sources on Concepts of Person and Self page. This is a great resource.

  4. How do psychologists study culture and its impact on individuals?
    The International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology has news, resources, and links for those who teach and do research on culture and psychology.

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